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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


М. П. Погодин. [Путешествие в Сербию. 1846 г.]
М. П. Погодин. [Путешествие в Сербию. 1846 г.]
Summary/Abstract: У раду су приређена два фрагмента из путописних записа Михаила Петровича Погодина који се чувају у Руској државној библиотеци у Москви (НИОР РГБ. Ф. 231. Погодин/I. К. 42. № 4. Л. 3–4об., 9–9об). Погодин је посетио Београд у октобру 1846. године. У првом фрагменту описао је данашњи конак кнегиње Љубице, Варош капију, књижницу Григорија Возаревића, улице и зграде Београда и изглед турских војника, али и сусрете са уредником „Српских новина“ Милошем Поповићем, А. Т. Федоровим, заступником руског конзула у Београду, Јованом Стејићем, секретаром Савета и митрополитом Петром Јовановићем. У другом делу рада описан је састанак Погодина и „чувеног“ Вучића, који је описан као крупан педесетогодишњак, ситних очију, који говори споро, једностано и јасно. Поверљив разговор који је имао са Вучићем, Погодин није записао.
Summary/Abstract: Danish journalist and publicist Franz von Jessen stayed in Belgrade from 8 to 12 June 1903. King Aleksandar Obrenović received him in his court the day before his assassination. Von Jessen described his encounter with King Aleksandar in his book Egne, begivenheder, mennesker (Regions, Events, People), which he published in Copenhagen in 1909, based on newspaper reports and memories. In the chapter “The Murder of the King in Serbia”, this Danish journalist, who was among the last foreigners whom the Serbian King met, gave his view of the May coup-d-état.
Марсиљијев плен
Марсиљијев плен
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents an edition of twenty two different 17th-century documents (tapunames, müraseles, mektups and a tezkire), relating to Mehmed Pasha Yahyapaşaoğlu’s vakıf villages in the vicinity of Belgrade (Mirijevo, Gornje Slance, Donje Slance and Višnjica). The documents are selected from the collection of Ottoman documents preserved in the Bologna University Library. They formed part of the personal archives of Kadı-zade Mustafa Çelebi, cabi (collector of the revenues) of the vakıf. The material is important for elucidating how the vakıf operated and, hence, for understanding the urban structure and economic life of Ottoman Belgrade, and the role of the vakıf’s suburban villages.
Мемоар Ђорђа Протића из 1854. године
Мемоар Ђорђа Протића из 1854. године
Summary/Abstract: Под притиском Русије кнез Александар Карађорђевић је у марту 1853. године разрешио дужности Илију Гарашанина, председника владе и министра спољних послова, отвореног противника ширења руског утицаја у Србији, чиме су унутрашњи сукоби у Кнежевини продубљени у највећој могућој мери. На обарању владе кнеза Александра удружили су се обреновићевци, у земљи и емиграцији, као и приврженици Томе Вучића Перишића, који су протурали гласине у народ да се очекује „писмо” из Русије, после којег ће кнез Александар одступити с власти. Међу обреновићевцима у емиграцији против кнеза Александра током 1853. и почетком 1854. године нарочито активни били су министри из времена прве владавине кнез Михаилове Ђорђе Протић и Стефан Радичевић.
Мемоар Аврама Петронијевића из 1843. године
Мемоар Аврама Петронијевића из 1843. године
Summary/Abstract: Memoirs of Avram Petronijević, premier and minister of foreign affairs of Serbia, originated during the time of emigration to Vidin in October 1843. The creation of his memoirs was induced by political events in Serbia. This is the only preserved Petronijević's work in which he expressly explains why the constitutional monarchy represents the best form of political structure in human history, and for Serbia as well. Memoirs are, provisionally speaking, composed of two unities. In the first part, Petronijević describes political systems in Antiquity and Modern times, by using his excelling knowledge of history and contemporaneous political events. He accentuated the revolutionary changes that occurred in the first half of the XIXth century France, Spain, Portugal and Germanic countries. The other part of his memoirs is centered upon Serbia, through the emphasis of the opinion that Serbia should be a constitutional monarchy. Nevertheless, Turkey and Russia have established the oligarchic system as well as the Council of 17 members during the creation of the Constitution in 1838. Although he participated in Constitution completion as a leader of the Serbian delegation, we can conclude from his memoirs that the Constitution dating from 1838 was enacted by means of direct agreement between Russia and Turkey. By supporting the establishment of the constitutional monarchy in Serbia, Petronijević mentions the Decree dating from March 1839, that enabled the instauration of the Parliament sessions. The Parliament got excluded from the governmental system. Petronijević suggested the concept of working upon the enactment of the Decree on Parliament of 1839. He also proposed a ninepoint measure aiming at reinforcement of the princely power, in case Prince Aleksandar did not accept the proposition on Parliament. These measures, in general, represented the proposition of criteria for electing state officials.
Мере безбедности пре и после промене на српском престолу 1860. године
Мере безбедности пре и после промене на српском престолу 1860. године
Summary/Abstract: The plan written by the hand of Matija Ban, presented in this paper, is an important historical source, which elaborates the actions of the state administration carried out before and after the death of Prince Miloš Obrenović. The intention was to secure the future of Prince Michael, as well as to restrain possible riots after the death of Prince Miloš. Elaborated to the last detail, including the charges of ministers, councilors, officials and soldiers, plan was not leave any place for improvisation. It was planed that the interior minister and governor of the Belgrade should take the biggest part of the responsibility. The document is divided into four parts, the first two deals with the organization of the most important factors of the state administration during the lifetime of the old Prince, third, which deal with the situation immediately after Prince’s death and the fourth, devoted to the funeral. Terminus post quem for the creation of this plan is the middle of July 1860 when it was obvious that the illness of Prince Miloš was very serious. Terminus ante quem was the death of Prince Miloš at 26 September 1860.
Милан С. Пироћанац За моју децу, Београд 1895
Милан С. Пироћанац За моју децу, Београд 1895
Summary/Abstract: Милан С. Пироћанац (1837-1897) свима нам је познат као један од оснивача и вођа Напредне странке, творац страначког програма и председник владе 1880-1883. године. Његова политичка биографија још увек није написана, али су се историчари и правници освртали у својим радовима на његове политичке идеје и деловање. Иако није баш био склон писаној речи, Пироћанчева политичност је мамила на разматрање и анализу. Тако је Слободан Јовановић у есеју о Милану Пироћанцу изнео своје погледе на његову унутрашњу и спољну политику, а Драгослав Јанковић се у свом делу Рађање парламентарне демократије. Политичке странке у Србији XIX века 2 у одељку “Српска напредна странка” такође бавио Пироћанчевим деловањем у странци, делатношћу и политичким промашајима његове владе.
Миленко Веснић на Конференцији о болничким бродовима у Хагу 1904. године
Миленко Веснић на Конференцији о болничким бродовима у Хагу 1904. године
Summary/Abstract: In the intermediate period between the First and the Second Hague Peace Conferences Serbia took part in the proceedings of another international congress, which dealt with similar issues of international and humanitarian law. This was a conference held in The Hague in 1904 where Serbia’s only delegate was its ambassador in Paris – Milenko Vesnić. The main aim of the conference was unquestionably further to help the work of hospital ships – whose mission is essentially humanitarian – by exempting them, in time of war, from all dues and taxes imposed on vessels for the benefit of the State, in the ports of the Contracting Parties. In the period of relative diplomatic isolation Serbia received outstanding opportunity to participate in an international conference and present herself as the state fully aware of the significance of the principles of humanity in international relations and international law. On the other hand, successful participation at this conference was an important step in Vesnić’s career, the one that contributed to the growth of its reputation in diplomatic circles. This paper provides several documents regarding the conference, its outcome and the role played by Milenko Vesnić. These documents are kept in the Archive of Serbia, in the fund of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. We put an emphasis on the importance and historical value of Vesnić’s final report about the conference, which gives us important insight into proceedings, main issues, Vesnić’s own position and role, his perception of it, etc.
Мицко Крстевић
Мицко Крстевић
Summary/Abstract: The article presents nine letters written by Micko Krstević, a famous Serb chetnik voivoda, to Serbia’s consul in Bitolj, Milojko Veselinović. They contain important data about Micko’s life before imprisonment in 1882 and about his misfortunes within prison walls. The letters are particularly significant for studying relations between Christian nationalities in Southern Old Serbia and Macedonia at the end of 19th century.
Московски словенски комитет и школовање српских и бугарских питомица (1876-1877)
Московски словенски комитет и школовање српских и бугарских питомица (1876-1877)
Summary/Abstract: Three prepared protocols from the meetings of the Ladies‘ Group of the Moscow Slavic Benevolent Committee, handwritten by the secretary I. A. Ivinski and signed by its most eminent members, represent an important historical testimony on accomplishments of this organization in terms of cultural and educational cooperation with Serbian and Bulgarian people during the turmoils on the Balkan Peninsula in the time of the First Serbian-Turkish war (1876-1877). During this war, the achievements of the Russian Slavic Benevolent Committees reached the climax. From its foundation (1858), Moscow Slavic Benevolent Committee, supported by the official members of the Russian government, with the help of Slavic Benevolent Committees from Petrograd, Kiev and Odessa, worked on establishing the solid relations with Balkan people, and helping them from the cultural, educational, clerical, and later on, military point of view. One of their main tasks was to educate the Slavic youth in Russia, in order to form the teaching staff for the Slavic countries under the Ottoman rule. The abovementioned proceedings contain valuable pieces of information about South- Slavic girl scholars chosen for the teaching profession, about educational institutions they attended, as well as the records about the organization itself and people under whose auspices these girls were educated.
Summary/Abstract: The paper examines a short, but a highly interesting document containing a detailed plan written by Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs Ilija Garašanin in 1844. It is a list of 31 articles delineating the main duties of officer Milovan Spasojević, appointed to the political post of utmost importance for the Serbian regime. He was ordered to supervise a group of dangerous political prisoners, devotees of dethroned Prince Miloš Obrenović. A political clash with numerous allies of the former Obrenović Dynasty compelled Minister Garašanin to create special methods to pacify and punish the imprisoned opponents of the government. The main intention of this instruction was to keep the most prominent opposition leaders in the remote and isolated Gurgusovac tower, in eastern Serbia, under a strict police watch. Deprived of physical contacts with members of their families, friends and companions, they were subjected to a strict prison regime. Stripped of their wealth, favourite food, correspondence and even usual daily routines, such as daily walks, those political prisoners were punished severely. Most of them were imprisoned to life sentences and could not know if they would ever be pardoned. Their time passed at a snail’s pace, in damp, narrow and dark rooms of the Gurgusovac tower. Regulations for the detainees were specially intended to discourage and prevent any similar attempts of political opposition. Regulations were unique, but highly confidential documents, meant to be used only by the appointed commanding officer and members of the police guard in the Gurgusovac tower. The incarceration of political prisoners in Gurgusovac was the key element of the new policy of political oppression, invented by the most important leaders of the new government, mainly Ilija Garašanin, as the new Minister of Internal Affairs.
Summary/Abstract: The Principle of Guerilla Warfare is an interesting and hitherto unknown manuscript created in the mid-19th century. This short, unsigned and undated manuscript is kept in the personal fund of Milutin Garašanin, a well-known Serbian politician and one of the leaders of the Progressive Party. It was written in the form of a special instruction for the organisation and preparation of armed resistance to the armies of foreign powers. The text is divided into 28 separate chapters. Particularly emphasised are the military tactics, organisation of units, the issues of subordination, discipline and skill of managing smaller war skirmishes.
