Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Два надгробна натписа из Грабовице на Руднику из 1739. године
Два надгробна натписа из Грабовице на Руднику из 1739. године
Summary/Abstract: This paper brings information about a few gravestones from the first half of the XVIII century, which still exist in the village graveyard in Grabovica on the southern slopes of Rudnik mountain. All the gravestones are made of yellowish sandstone in the form of cross and are situated in the central part of the graveyard with their frontal side facing west. Only two of these headstones have almost entirely preserved inscriptions, by which a precise conclusion about the time and circumstances of their construction can be established. Both epitaphs are dated in the early may of 1739 and they belong to members of the same family: the Radičević brothers – Dragić and Dragutin – from the Košani clan. Except the names of deceased and the dates of their death, inscriptions include the notion of their closest relatives who erected the headstones. Some of the characteristics of these epitaphs are popular language, the use of arabic ciphers and abundance of content. Although the fact that Grabovica was inhabited in the 1730’s is confirmed by the other documentary sources from the period of Austrian rule in Serbia, the analysed epigraphical sources offer some new particularities about the population of this village. There are not many preserved gravestones from the XVIII century in Central Serbia, especially those with complete inscriptions, and, therefore, this contibution represents a valuable supplement to the existing corpora of archaeological and epigraphical findings in the region.
Два наративна извора о Топличком устанку
Два наративна извора о Топличком устанку
Summary/Abstract: The paper brings two narrative sources, statements of Bogomir Gagić and Borivoje Lazić, volunteers in the Toplica uprising (1917), given in 1935. That year, the History Department of General Headquarters of the Yugoslav Army initiated extensive activities to establish the relevant facts on the armed resistance movement in Serbia during the Great War and the uprising in Toplica, the only uprising in the territories occupied by the troops of the Central Powers. This was the purpose of interviewing the participants in the uprising. Their stories were recorded and thus preserved. They are kept in the Military Archives in Belgrade.
Два песника из времена Вучићеве буне
Два песника из времена Вучићеве буне
Summary/Abstract: Mihailo came into conflict with the Constitutionalists, an uneasy political situation inspired a lot of poetry that glorified either of the parties – the Obrenović dynasty or the Constitutionalists and the new prince Aleksandar Karađorđević. This poetry was secretly distributed among readers in the Serbian principality, and its authors, readers and dealers were often investigated by the police. In order to influence a wider circle of readers, these poems were written in the form of folk, mostly epic poetry. This, originally dynastic poetry glorifying Obrenović or Karađorđević dynasties became more and more politically engaged and later became political poetry. Sima Milutinović and Jovan Hadžić were its leading authors. They were followed by a large group of now forgotten poets, among whom there were two poets, subject of this paper: Stanoje Ćosić and Đorđe Grozdanović. Their poetry was published in separate leaflets, and some of it remained in autographs and transcripts. Thanks to materials in police archives, some of the poems were saved and they are published in full here. The same archive materials helped us also to identify the poet who signed himself as Ivan Sokolović.
Два писма Светозара Милетића
Два писма Светозара Милетића
Summary/Abstract: Није потребно посебно истицати значај и улогу коју има Светозар Милетић како за развој политичке мисли код Срба у Угарској, тако и за формулисање идеје српства у целини. Стога је сваки, па и најмањи траг о богатој Милетићевој делатности веома драгоцен, нарочито за историчаре који се баве историјом српске политичке мисли у XIX столећу. Из тих разлога сматрамо да ће и ова два његова писма, која се налазе сачувана у Архиву Народног музеја у Прагу, допринети употпуњавању слике о овој значајној личности и времену у којем је живела и деловала.
Два писма британског вицеконзула Николе Радонића Васојевића конзулу Сандерсу
Два писма британског вицеконзула Николе Радонића Васојевића конзулу Сандерсу
Summary/Abstract: This contribution presents the reports from British vice-consul Nikola Radonic Vasoevic to consul Saunders at the beginning of his service as British diplomat. The reports show his arrivel at Skadar in December 1837. and his impressions of the local people, Skadar sanjak-beg Hassan Pasha, Austrian vice-consul Ballarini as wel as the problems that he faced as the first British diplomat in that part of Balkan penninsula.
Два писма конзула Фонбланка о "Илирима" и Србима
Два писма конзула Фонбланка о "Илирима" и Србима
Summary/Abstract: The text presents two letters from the British Consul General in Belgrade Thomas Grenier de Fonblanque related to his views of events consernig the Serbian question in Hungary and his experience of the Serbs in Serbia. The importance of these documents is to show the maliciousness of this British diplomat and how his writings were directed by his prejudices and negative attitude toward Serbians.
Два писма српског митрополита Михаила (Јовановића) Рилском манастиру
Два писма српског митрополита Михаила (Јовановића) Рилском манастиру
Summary/Abstract: For more than two centuries, the Rila Monastery was part of the Samokov Eparchy of the Peć Patriarchy, even though as a stavropigial lavra it had a special status. Even after the abolishment of the self-rule, it was venerated and visited by both Bulgarians and Serbs, and, following the establishment of the autonomous Principality of Serbia in 1830, and autonomous Serb Metropolitan in 1831, its brethren maintained intensive ties with Serbian state and church institutions. This can be seen in the primary sources, like the 1865 and 1870 letters of the Serb Metropolitan Mihailo (Jovanović) to the Prior of the Rila Monastery. The letters discuss education of Rila monks in the Belgrade School of Theology, migration of monks from Bulgarian lands to Serbia, and canonical procedures used to confirm their priestly ranks. The enclosed letters have been critically edited, including identification of places and persons, as well as paleographic and diplomatic description. They are transcribed into the contemporary Serbian writing, but with preserving an authentic idiom in which they have been written.
Два приватна писма Светозара Милетића
Два приватна писма Светозара Милетића
Summary/Abstract: You will find enclosed in the work two private, unknown letters from 1856 written by Svetozar Miletić to Gavrilo Glasnik Jovanović, his close friend and life-long associate from the period of 1848-1849 Revolution. They shed light on parts of his early period of life, in the first place his private life, an intimate segment of Miletic’s personality that has been inadequately investigated and for which there is the smallest amount of documentation preserved. Bearing them in mind, we can conclude that he had an unsuccessful engagement proposal prior to his marriage with Anka Milutinovic, which had been initiated by Mr Jovanovic. The idea for the thirty year old Svetozar to marry Sofia, the daughter of a judge and a reputable citizen of Novi Sad, Stevan Branovacki, who was also the sister of Gavrilo’s spouse Milica, was not realised because of insufficient sincerity of both interested parties.
Два прилога за историју православне цркве у Босни
Два прилога за историју православне цркве у Босни
Summary/Abstract: In the first half of the 19th century the Ottoman Empire faced several national uprisings and revolutions in the European periphery countries as well as the opposition of conservative Muslim circles and local pashas to the reforms that Sultan Mahmud II started implementing. In order to solve these problems, Porta engaged not only military, but also other resources. The Ecumenical Patriarchate, so, reluctantly had to accept the role of a mediator for a peaceful surrender of Serbian rebels. A letter sent by an anonymous author in 1812th to an unknown recepient, informing him that church officials were ordered to abide by orders of Sofia Nazir Mustapha Rashid - Effendi speaks of such a relationship. In the thirties of the 19th century Bosnia Eyalet was also affected by Muslim as well as Orthodox Christian rebellions. Another source attached suggests in which way Ottoman authorities removed their opponents from the ranks of the Orthodox clergy and took under control dervishes who showed dissent and disobedience to the holders of local government functions.
