Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Препис српских домова у Битољском вилајету који је дат грчком конзулу у Битољу 1910.
Препис српских домова у Битољском вилајету који је дат грчком конзулу у Битољу 1910.
Summary/Abstract: This paper presents a list of Serbian homes in the Manastir vilayet made in 1910. The list contains information on the number of Serbian homes in each village. Villages are grouped in kazas, third-level administrative units of the Ottoman Empire. In the vilayet, according to the Transcript, there were 5,091 Serbian homes in total – 59 in the Kaza of Monastir, 286 in the Kaza of Ohrid, 867 in the kaza of Prilep, 329 in the Kaza of Dibra, 765 in the Kaza Rekalar, 2,110 in the Kaza of Kičevo, including the Poreče nahiye, and 675 in the cities of Bitola, Kičevo, Ohrid, Prilep and Debar. A comparison with other historical sources shows that the number of homes listed in the Transcript was reduced approximately from 528 to 728.
Преписка митрополита Михаила и грофице А. Д. Блудове о догађајима у Србији 1868. године
Преписка митрополита Михаила и грофице А. Д. Блудове о догађајима у Србији 1868. године
Summary/Abstract: In the second half of 1867, there was a change in domestic and foreign policy of the Serbian Prince Mihailo Obrenović. The changes that ensued have caused the disruption of relations between the Principality of Serbia and the Russian Empire. After the assassination of the Serbian prince and the takeover of the power by the Regency, headed by Milivoje Petrović Blaznavac, SerbianRussian relations have been further undermined. On several occasions, with the Serbian Metropolitan Mihailo as a mediator, an attempt was made to conciliate two sides, thanks to the help of his Russian acquaintance, Countess Antonina Dmitrievna Bludova, who enjoyed a great reputation in Russian official and unofficial social circles. In this paper are presented six critically edited letters written in 1868: five letters were written by the Serbian Metropolitan Mihailo, and one by Countess Bludova as her reply to his last letters. The edited correspondence, currently a part of archival fond within The Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents, enlightens the political situation in the Principality of Serbia in 1868 and represents an especially important historical source for researching the history of Serbian-Russian relations.
Пресуда о једној породичној деоби из 1835
Пресуда о једној породичној деоби из 1835
Summary/Abstract: У Протоколу Крагујевачког суда за 1835. годину, под деловодним бројем 161. од 8. (20) августа, заведена је коначна пресуда о једном деобном спору чији корени сежу све до 1761, када је у Србији још увек била присутна непосредна османска власт. 1 Спор се водио међу наследницима имовине јеромонаха Спиридона, коју је он још 1761. оставио свом синовцу, попу Арсенију из села Брезовца.
Прилог о миразу у Котору у првој половини 15. века
Прилог о миразу у Котору у првој половини 15. века
Summary/Abstract: The dowry of the noblewoman from the Zagurović family in Kotor in the first half of the XVth century was presented, according to the unpublished material of the Archives of Kotor and the decisions stated in the Statute of Kotor. The emphasis was put on changes having occurred in the amount and the composition of the dowry during the XIVth and the XVth centuries. The noblewomen's dowry usually consisted of real property (lands, stores, houses) and a less significant amount of ready money in the first half of the XVth century, compared to the former one (i.e. first half of the XIVth century), at the time when Kotor made part of Medieval Serbia. During that period, the noblewomen usually obtained gold in dowry (50-100 axagia) and ready money, but less frequently real property. The study on the institutional character of the dowry in Medieval Kotor (i.e. in the first half of the XVth century) was conducted.
Прилог о наслеђивању у Грбљу у средњем веку
Прилог о наслеђивању у Грбљу у средњем веку
Summary/Abstract: The inheritance of land in Grbalj on the example of the Toma family has been depicted, according to the katastik of Grbalj (the katastik of Roan, dating from 1457), as well as to the statute of Kotor, the archivistic and literary material. The relevant period concerns the aftermath of the attachment of Grbalj to Kotor and of the first distribution of land in Grbalj between the nobles and the ordinary citizens of Kotor, that occurred on October 1st 1307. It equally concerns the follow-up of all the changes that hit the land during the Middle Ages. Similarities and differences between the two draws have been accentuated, with the two brothers, Pavle Tomov and Drago Tomov, having represented the capita of those two draws. Drago Tomov had in his draw his friends (socii), whereas Pavle Tomov, who was more eminent and enjoyed greater influence in Kotor and Serbia, had no friends in his draw and posessed the entire 24 carat draw. The cited documents offer us valuable information on the Kotor nobility and mutual family bonds as well. The nobles uniquely married among themselves, especially after the closure of the Grand Council in Kotor in the second half of the XIVth century (1364).
Прилог проучавању српског железничког питања
Прилог проучавању српског железничког питања
Summary/Abstract: DocumentServian Railway Questionabounds with important historical facts that contribute to a clearer insight into the prehistory of construction issues of Serbian Railways (1869–1874). Due to political and economic interest of Great Britain to the Trans-Balkan railway, that’s great power closely followed the developments and was ready to back their investors in that project. Especially valuable are the data that show a clear intention of Austria-Hungary to take control under the area south of the Sava and Danube by railways. An important place in the document was a concentrated resistance of Serbian government to the ultimate solution. Insight into concrete financial offers, the cost per kilometer of line, gives the possibility of analytical consideration about opportunities and feasibility of the construction of the first railway lines in Serbia.
Прилог титули "dominus" у Котору (14-15. век)
Прилог титули "dominus" у Котору (14-15. век)
Summary/Abstract: On the basis of source material from Archives of Kotor and Dubrovnik (Ragusa), the Cadastral Book of Grbalj (so-called Roanne Manuscript, 1457) and the Statute of Kotor, we tried to show to whom and where the title „dominus“ (lord) was given in Kotor. The example of the members of the famous Kotor family Buća (Bucchia) was used (protovestiarios Nikola Buća and his close relative Tripe Buća). The title was succeeded by Nikola’s heirs and the heirs of his son Peter, who were also protovestiarii. The knez of Kotor, who was a stranger in the city, also bore the title „dominus“. Important office of judge in Kotor was reserved for the most influential noble families (Bucchia, Drago, Pasquali, Bisanti and others) who held the title „dominus“ in the late XIV and early XV centuries, which was a sign of social status and reputation.
Примјер брачне бигамије "more bosignanorum et patarinorum"
Примјер брачне бигамије "more bosignanorum et patarinorum"
Summary/Abstract: У средњовјековној Босни брак заснован по "обичају земље" (mos patriae) на обећању (promissio), а не на заклетви (iuramento) супружника, сматран је "друштвеном а не црквеном институцијом и био порицан као сакрамент", па отуда, према казивању викара босанских фрањеваца фра Бартола из Алверне, "једва се може наћи један од стотину случајева да би нетко задржао прву жену" 1 . Не знамо да ли баш толико, али сигурно постоји мноштво примјера да су се становници те, по много чему специфичне средњовјековне земље, без обзира на класну припадност, послије растављања од прве женили другом женом. Тако је и претпосљедњи босански краљ Стефан Томаш био најприје ожењен "женом ниског рода" (ex infimo genere mulierem), у народу познатом под именом Војача, да би папа Еуген IV прогласио у прољеће 1445. тај брак неваљаним, а Томаш се убрзо, након примања католичке вјере, поново оженио Катарином, кћерком херцега Стефана Вукчића Косаче2 . Овако лабаво схватање брака, условљено вјерским приликама у земљи, погодовало је и појави бигамије, за шта лијеп примјер налазимо у Бискупском архиву Котора, чијом ћемо се интерпретацијом позабавити на овом мјесту
Приходи кадилука Призрен од трговине свилом, рудника Корише и осталог (1525-1544. године)
Приходи кадилука Призрен од трговине свилом, рудника Корише и осталог (1525-1544. године)
Summary/Abstract: This article presents an accounting register made by Finance Department of the Ottoman Empire (Maliyeden mudevver defteri, no 656) which contains data on incomes, expenditures and treasury payments, concerning farming of some public revenues in the Prizren sancak. These are: silk weighing scale, Prizren chandlery, estates of persons dying without heirs, lost property, property of an unknown owner, and, what is the most important, the Koriša silver mine near Prizren. Data from this register, as well as from some other Ottoman registers of which the earliest information was from 1488, testified that the mine had its own işçi has, consisted of the following villages in 1518: Koriša, Planjane, Stretinovce (Nova Šumadija) and Sveti Petar (Kabaš); in 1530. the total amount of 165.000 akçe was paid for three-year lease of the mine, işçi has and some less significant income sources; also, until 1535, the Koriša silver mine had been managed by Christians. In the following period Muslims were mine managers, contractors and renters.
Просветни рад Србије у Турској од 1820. до 1912. године
Просветни рад Србије у Турској од 1820. до 1912. године
Summary/Abstract: Published document represents a report on the involvement of the Serbian Government in educational work and schooling of Serbs living in the Ottoman Empire. It was written in 1913 by Jovan T. Marković, deputy chief of Consular Department of the Kingdom of Serbia’s Ministry of Foreign Affaires. Jovan T. Marković had access to the archives of the Ministry, which enabled him to write extremely valuable survey on Serbia’s policy and propaganda activities in Turkey. This report shows that Serbian government invested in opening elementary, secondary, trade schools, as well as high schools for Serbs living in the Vilayet of Kosovo. Also, Kingdom of Serbia supported bookstores, printing of newspapers, and money institutions of Serbs in Turkey. This report provides abundance of statistic data on schooling of Serbs in the Ottoman Empire.
Пројекат закона о адвокатима из 1854. године
Пројекат закона о адвокатима из 1854. године
Summary/Abstract: The article contains text of the Project of Legal profession Act, which had been made in 1851, and dicussed at the State Council in 1854, and reveals circumstances under which it was created and why it did not come to power. The Project is of great relevance for comprehension of the question of legal profession in the midd-nineteenth century Serbia and how Serbian authorities dealed with it before Legal profession Act was brought in 1862. Creation of the Project is connected to correspondance between the Ministry of Justice and the State Council in July 1851. Initiator of the Project was the Ministry of Justice, and the State Council recommended the Ministry to start working on it. Submission of the Project had been postponed until the Code of Civil Judicial Proceedings was brought in 1853, and the Project was discussed at the State Council in 1854. The Council decided to give up the Project, with an opinion that lawers would not have had enough income to support themselves and that there had not been enough qualified men in Serbia for such an occupation.
