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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Попис православних свештеника Градишке регименте из 1760. године
Попис православних свештеника Градишке регименте из 1760. године
Summary/Abstract: The census of households of Serbian Orthodox priests in the Gradiška regiment was carried out by regiment military authorities in 1760, during the Seven Years’ War. Their aim was to point to the increase in the number of privileged households in the territory of the regiment compared to the earlier census of 1756. Owing to the spiritual status of one of their members, these households enjoyed immunity and were exempted from tax and military duties. The census published here is one of the few which recorded all men living in Serbian priest households. As such, it helps us learn about the size and structure of these households. In addition to data about the number of family members, names, age and military status of male members, the census also contains data on arable surfaces owned by the households (ploughed fields, meadows and orchards). The census covered 41 priests from 19 Serbian settlements. A difference was made between the “old” (16) and “new“ (25) priests, depending on whether they were ordained before or after 1756. Referring to earlier bans on an increase in the number of Orthodox priests, the military authorities believed that male members of new priest households should be treated as conscripts, just as they were before some of their members were ordained priests. In contrast, the Bishop of Pakrac required that all members of priest families be considered privileged, regardless of whether their representatives were “old” or “new” priests, i.e. priests with or without parishes. The view of the church representatives had greater weight despite the disagreements. Based on the census, 176 persons in “new” priest households had to be exempted from the customary military service, while the privileged position of the “old” priests and their household members was already taken into account. The fact that these households, as a rule, had a greater number of members than the households of their parishioners played an important role in the conflict between the military authorities and the Orthodox clergy concerning military and tax duties of male members of priest families. A household of a Serbian Orthodox priest in the Gradiška regiment had 7.18 men on average, of whom 4.29 were adult men (above 16), while around a fifth of households covered by the census had between ten and 16 male members.
Попис православних свештеника Петроварадинске регименте из 1760. године
Попис православних свештеника Петроварадинске регименте из 1760. године
Summary/Abstract: The census of Orthodox priests of the Petrovaradin Regiment in the Military Frontier of the Habsburg Monarchy was conducted by Austrian military authorities in 1760. Carried out during the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763), the register aimed to show how the number of priests in this regiment increased and brought about a decline in the military population. The data show the structure of priests’ households, i.e. the names, number, age and military status of their male members, as well as the structure of their land property. Orthodox priests were registered in 38 settlements of the Petrovaradin regiment (of 43 in total). There were 101 priests’ households with 392 male members. An average household had 3.88 male members and possession of 18.23 acres of arable land. As the military authorities aimed to point out to the growth in the number of priests, the register noted the difference between “old” and “new”priests, depending on whether they were appointed before or after 1756. The increase in the number of priests between 1756 and 1760 (from 70 to 107) was considered harmful for the military, because the newly privileged members of priests’ households were previously registered in active military service. Since the youngest “new” priest was only 13 years old and nine of them were under 16, it is reasonable to question the canonic legitimacy of their appointment and their real function in parishes. The circumstances in Orthodox parishes were not regulated before the last quarter of the 18th century, when the Assembly of the People and Clergy in 1769 and Church Regulations in 1770 mandated a reduction in the number of priests, and introduced a number of other reform measures regarding the organisation of episcopacies and parishes of the Karlovci Metropolitanate.
Попис прихода Београдске канцеларије из 1708. године
Попис прихода Београдске канцеларије из 1708. године
Summary/Abstract: Београдска канцеларија (kalem) формиранa је 1702. године као финансијска институција задужена за надзор и прикупљање др- жавних прихода намењених издржавању војних посада на Београд- ском крајишту (serhat). Њена надлежност простирала се на терито- рију Смедеревског и дела Сремског санџака, који је, према одредба- ма Карловачког мира, остао у границама Османског царства. 1 Бео- градска канцеларија је такође располагала појединим државним приходима убираним на територији околних али и неких удаљених санџака, попут Никопоља и Силистрије.
Попис становника Старог Бечеја из 1744. године
Попис становника Старог Бечеја из 1744. године
Summary/Abstract: There are several censuses of Old Bečej Township from the time of the Tisa military border and the District of Potisje. From the period leading up to the demobilization of the Tisa military border, comes a list that is being published now. It was made for the Orthodox parish in Bečej and it is one of the oldest preserved lists of this kind. According to it, Bečej had 803 residents living in 126 houses in 1744. Some of the military oficiers and soldiers, whose names are listed, also appear in the lists of the Austrian authorities of that time. At the time of demobilization of the military border, residents of Bečej were almost exclusively Orthodox Serbs. From the mid-eighteen century begins a colonization of Hungarians, Germans and Slovaks in the District, including Old Bečej.
Попис џелепа Пиротског кадилука из 1581. године
Попис џелепа Пиротског кадилука из 1581. године
Summary/Abstract: Celeps were persons chosen by the Ottoman officials, who had to provide a particular number of sheep each year and to drive them to Istanbul for sale as per determined redemption price. This obligation was regarded as a kind of special tax and consequently celeps were excluded from certain types of exquisite tributes. Some of the celeps were sheep farmers but rather as wealthy men from all walks of life. Ottoman administration conducted census of celeps, in order to control number of sheeps and persons obliged to provide them. Inventory of the celeps in Pirot (Şehirköy) kazâ from the year 1581., presented in this article, is a part of the inventory that covers following Rumelia kazâs: Pirot, Breznik, Kjustendil, Radomir, Sirishnik, Sophia, Dubnica, Plovdiv and Tatarpazar. Celeps were registered in approximately one third of the Pirot kazâ’s villages (141), while in the rest they were not. In total 380 celeps were obliged to handover 12.865 sheep annually. Average number of sheep per celep was 25, and some individuals would have handed over as 80 and 100 sheep. Among celeps, besides farmers, there were craftsman, soldiers and priests.
Попис џизје вилајета Бован из 1607. године
Попис џизје вилајета Бован из 1607. године
Summary/Abstract: Survey which is given in this paper is a part of unique survey of cizye of Kruševac and Bovan made in 1607. The aim of the work was to show development of a number of tax payers during 16th century finishing with this survey which was made in the beginning of 17th century. Besides the number of citizens and villages comprised by paying cizye, this source shows that there were in-migrations of new population in this area. This fact is confirmed by great number of names which doesn’t belong to Serbian onomastics, which were not perceived in earlier surveys. These are names such as: Andon, Apostol, Nasta, Riza, Jani etc. Among immigrants there were those from Bulgarian, Albanian and Macedonian territories. 27 villages were included in this survey, while 3 of them were deserted. Actually citizens escaped, which approves our presumption that there were demographic movements and changes in ethnic composition of this area.
Породична историја проте Лазара Поповића из Субјела
Породична историја проте Лазара Поповића из Субјела
Summary/Abstract: Поповићи, свештеничка породица из Субјела, села пет кило- метара источно од Косјерића, једна је од најстаријих у Ужичкој Црној Гори. Прворазредних извора о њеном боравку на том простору има већ од шездесетих година XVIII века. Из ове породице потекло је шест генерација свештеника, који су од 1768. до 1971. опслуживали парохије цркава у Сечој Реци, Субјелу и Косјерићу. Поред тога, из ње је потекао и један од истакнутих устаничких војвода у Првом српском устанку, Алекса Поповић, као и неколико других личности, које су као игумани манастира Никоља кабларског, председници сеоских општина, резервни официри или учитељи оставиле трага у завичајној, али и националној историји.
Постављање парохијалних свештеника
Постављање парохијалних свештеника
Summary/Abstract: Subsistance of parish clergy has been one of parishioners' obligations since the most remote times. Preserved material does not offer us the possibility to confirm with certainty when exactly was the practice of issuance of the written certificates by the villages, the so-called garanties (kaucije), established, stating that they would fulfill the aforementioned obligations. The first garanties preserved in their entirety were issued by the inhabitants of the village of Dobanovci in the Eparchy of Srem (in the year of 1731), followed by those of Veliko Selo in the Eparchy of Belgrade (in 1733). These two guaranties, as well as those dating from a later period, manifested the same structure that included the introductory paragraph in which the formal request to the mitropolitan was submitted, with whom the agreement concerning the appointment of certain priest had already been made in the meantime, while the parish obligations were enlisted in the principal segment of the guaranty. The inhabitants of Veliko Selo bound themselves to pay the bir (fix annual priest income which was collected by bed) to the new parish priest, Nikola, on a regular basis, but also to offer him the recompense for performing priestly duties, as well as field, garden and meadow together with their help with house construction works. By means of this document, the parishioners also offered guarantees to the priest that he would be exempted from all the fiscal and working obligations towards the state, which the rest of the population was bound to fulfill. Issuance of the garanty on behalf of the inhabitants of Veliko Selo was, in all probability, one of the indispensable measures, due to the fact that the former priest Stefan moved to Hasan-Pasha’s Palanka (Palanka of Smederevo), with the permission of Mitropolitan Mojsije; this event occurred at the time when, judging on his own words, the parishioners ceased to pay the bir to him and the monks from the Slanci started putting pressure on him. The guaranty of Veliko Selo is being kept in the Archives of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences of Karlovci under call number 1733/6 in the “B” holdings. Under the same call number the written certificate is kept, in which the duke and peasants of the village of Slanci guaranteed that they accepted secular priest Nikola to perform a religious service together with the monks of Slanci in the parish composed by the villages of Slanci, Ošljani and Veliko Selo and to divide with them the income from the aforementioned villages.
Правила о тајној полицији у Београду 1900. године
Правила о тајној полицији у Београду 1900. године
Summary/Abstract: A formal administrative act, containing a thorough plan named - Regulations of the Secret police, was written in the office of Serbian Ministry of police and sent in a form of request to be put in immediate use by the Superintendent of the Serbian Capital, in year 1900. These Regulations represents one of the few detailed official documents which could iluminate the tehnical organization of the political police, an illusive and “dark” force of the late Obrenovich era. Hated and feared in the same time, by the common residents of Belgrade, secret police agents gradually became inescapable elements of urban scenery at the break of the centuries. Being present all over market places, streets, hotels and numerous inns of the Serbian capital, their ears vere sharply pointed in direction of assumed or (even more often) imagined political opponent. However, the formal attempt to legalize the ocupation of secret police agent in year 1900, was quickly withdrawn and placed in police archive to be forgotten. Regardless of formal and direct demand issued previously by the Minister of police, Superintendent of Belgrade never realised that plan. To disclose the existance of such a secret state institute to a Serbian public and press could be a serious political error. It would imply that the king Alexandar`s regime is so feeble and weak, that it is forced to use most unpopular and dishonest political methods to suppress the opposition. Bearing that in mind, high police officials decided that it would be sensible to continue with the old practice of financing numerous unformal informers, not confessing nor denying their exsistance publicly.
Предлог бечких српских трговаца С. Шићара и Т. Гереског из 1841. о унапређењу привреде Кнежевине Србије
Предлог бечких српских трговаца С. Шићара и Т. Гереског из 1841. о унапређењу привреде Кнежевине Србије
Summary/Abstract: Од подносилаца овог предлога познат нам је само први – Симеон Шићар, док о другом – Теодору Гереском засад не располажемо никаквим подацима, па нам изгледа да је био мање значајан, можда само Шићарев компањон.
Предлог о оснивању Словенског друштва узајамне помоћи у Москви из 1889. године
Предлог о оснивању Словенског друштва узајамне помоћи у Москви из 1889. године
Summary/Abstract: The Congress of Berlin and the closing down of the Moscow Slavic Benevolent Society struck a blow to Russian Slavophilism, so the 1880s and the 1890s were decades during which the Slavophile movement struggled to“survive”. Although the centre of Slavophilism had now moved to Saint Petersburg, where the Saint Petersburg Slavic Benevolent Society now continued its work, during the 1880s, at several intervals, propositions were made for the restoration of the former Moscow Slavic Benevolent Society. For political reasons, those initiatives were unsuccessful. In 1889, the Ministry for Slavs Educated in Moscow was established and it was only in 1894 that the Slavic Mutual Aid Society was founded. The prepared document testifies to the initiative that was born five years before the foundation itself – that a Slavic Mutual Aid Society should be formed in Moscow. A group of Slavs in Moscow,who made that proposition, composed a draft constitution of the society and asked Metropolitan Mihailo to assist them in the establishment process. The submitted document is treasured in the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade.
