Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Општенародни тутори
Општенародни тутори
Summary/Abstract: The institute of the General Peoples' Tutors was established at the 1726 People's-Church Gathering in Karlovci. The impetus for its establishment was the selection of the Belgrade Metropolitan Mojsije Petrović for Karlovac Metropolitan. As the Metropolitan Mojsije was supposed to take over the obligations of the other Metropolitan, which would add to his duties, the people's representatives assumed that he would need help, especially in maintaining the Royal Privileges of the Serbs in the HabsburgMonarchy, as well as in dealing with the financialmatters. Therefore, on 10 March (27 February) 1726, the Gathering decided to form a seprate body, consisting of twelve General Peoples' Tutors. Their task was to preserve with theMetropolitan the riginal texts of the Privileges, and to take care of the Metropolitan's income. They had to help theMetropolitanMojsije in important matters, and to answer any call from him without any hesitation. As the People's-Church Gathering could not be convened often, according to the delegates, the Tutors were supposed to meet and settle issues important for the people.Among other things, they were supposed to discuss about the obstacles created by the state authorities, and to lodge formal complaints with the Emperor. According to the few surviving documents, one could conclude that, during 1730s, General Peoples' Tutors attempted to regulate the Belgrade-Karlovac Metropolitan's finances, and to control its income and expenditure, that they kept the original texts of the Privileges, Emperor's decrees, Metropolitan's and Bishop's diplomas, and that they helpedMetropolitansMojsije Petrović and Vićentije Jovanović in composing and editing people's submissions and complaints addressed to the Emperor. Following the crossing of the PatriarchArsenije IV Čarnojević into the territory of the HabsburgMonarchy, and his taking over of theMetropolitan in 1737, General Peoples' Tutors lose importance. Their duties were taken over by other institutions, primarily the Archpriest's Synod. It seems that the institute of the General Peoples' Tutors as not formally abolished, but it simply ceased to function over time. This paper presents two original decisions of the 1726 Gathering, related to the founding of the institute of General Peoples' Tutors. The first decision established the number of themembers of the new body and their functions, and the second one named twelve General Peoples' Tutors. The decisions were written in the cyrillic script, in the Serb-Slav language, which was still unchanged under the influence of the Russian language. Both decisions were confirmed with signatures and stamps by the total of 77 delegates, as well as the new Metropolitan Mojsije Petrović.
Османска тапија (tapuname) манастира Вољавча из 1538/9. године - прилог историји манастира
Османска тапија (tapuname) манастира Вољавча из 1538/9. године - прилог историји манастира
Summary/Abstract: In this article based on an Ottoman document from the year 1538/9. preserved in the Archives of Serbia in the fund of Mita Petrović several questions related to the monastery Voljavča have been analyzed. This document known as title-deed (tapû) was observed from diplomatic point of view in accordance with the type and purpose of sources to which it belongs. On its basis it was possible to determine the first mention of the monastery in the available sources, probably from 1516.Also, due to this document we have partially analyzed genesis and background of the so-called “monastery chronicle” present in historiography since the mid-19th century in which the founder of the monastery was identified as Michael Kojčinović, a person mentioned for the first time in the available sources among the witnesses of title-deed from 1538/9. This document also provides several insights into the extent of the monastery land included within one of the timâr’s in Rudnik district based on the former historical toponymy and onomastics, which is still largely preserved today.
Османски Алтин (Алтун-или) 1477. године
Османски Алтин (Алтун-или) 1477. године
Summary/Abstract: This article presents the oldest Ottoman inventory of the medieval district of Altin (tur. Altun-ili) which was compiled in 1477, at the latest. It contains demographic and fiscal data for 55 villages and two mezras. The name of Altin is derived from Latin word altus, high, and means “The Highlands” (alb. Malësi). Medieval Altin, as well as Ottoman Altun-ili, encompassed Northern Albania and southwest of Kosovo (Djakovacka Malesija, Malësi e Gjakovës). The area was populated by Slavs and Albanians. In the second half of XV century Altin was attached to the Pasha sancak. After the Ottoman Empire acquired Shkodra (Skadar) from Venice, after the siege of Shkodra in 1478-79, Altin was incorporated into the newly established Iskenderiye sancak.
Официри Банатске земаљске милиције 1757. године
Официри Банатске земаљске милиције 1757. године
Summary/Abstract: From the abolishment of the Tisa-Moriš Military Frontier (1751), up until the setting up of the Banat Military Frontier (1764), the Banat Land Militia (Bannatische Land Miliz) was responsible for all ground military defence. Members of the Militia, mainly men relocated from the demilitarised Tisa-Moriš Military Frontier, were organized in eight companies. Six of these companies were known as The Upper companies (located in the vilages: Velika Kikinda, Vranjevo, Botosh, Idvor, Mokrin and Milenci), and the other two were called The Lower Companies (in Potok and Okruglica). The documentation hereby enclosed, testifies of the Banat Land Milition’s single war confrontation – the one against the Prussian army in Silesia (Germany and Bohemia), in 1757 and 1758 respеctively (Third Silesian War or Seven Year’s War). This report about the reorganisation of companies and the systematisation of officers, was compiled on July 5th 1757, after the companies already marched out into the war zone, on June 15th and 27th. The data in this report allow for an insight into the process of reorganisation, the constitution and aptitude of the companies, as well as background knowledge of certain officers, half of whom served in the Tisa-Moriš Military Frontier ten years before. The officers and the menpower to fight in the war, were extracted from the eight existing companies and allocated into nine newfound companies. The following increase of number of companies to seventeen in total, led to a lack of officers. So as to increase the number of officers, the following procedure was adopted: firstly, the officers with appropriate ranks were given posts; secondly, posts went to those who were given promotion, or to those whose status was changed from ,,aggregirt‘’ to the ,,würkliche‘’; and finally, posts were given to the two newly-appointed officers. Due to the lack of available officers, Banat was mainly left with officers unfit for warfare due to age and health reasons. In the end, 30 officers were sent with the nine companies to the warzone, while the remaining eight companies stayed in Banat, with two thirds of the manpower and 26 officers. According to the report, two lines of soldiers marching out from Banat held 1156 men: 705 men allocated in the infantry company, and 437 in the cavalry.
Summary/Abstract: The poem of Kosta Vojinović Kosovac is published and analysed in the paper. Based on excerpts from the diary of Chetnik Duke Kosta Vojinović Kosovac, the time and conditions in which the poem was created and the author’s personality are presented.
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents a critical edition of the Latin charter of Despot Đurađ Branković, which he issued on 8 May 1432 or, more probably, 1442, in Németi in the Szatmár County in Hungary. By this charter, issued at the request of a representative of the tailoring guild from the town of Nagybánya in the same county, Despot Đurađ forbade all tailors who came to Nagybánya to practice their craft, unless they became citizens of this town and members of the local tailoring guild. The towns of Nagybánya, Szatmár, Németi and Felsőbánya in the Szatmár County were in the possession of Serbian despots from 1411 to 1444/1445, after which they were handed over to John Hunyadi, as a pledge. The charter has been preserved as a copy, made in 1641, based on the original. It has not been known in Serbian historiography up to now.
Summary/Abstract: The Serbian population in Old Serbia in the second half of the 19th century lived under the pressure of their Albanian neighbours. The Albanian aggression in Podrimlje, a micro-region of Metohija, also marked the epoch. The consequence of the Albanians’ violence was a change in the ethnic and religious image of numerous settlements to the detriment of Orthodox Serbs. The emigration of Serbs also implied the collapse or destruction of Orthodox churches and other material traces of Serbian medieval statehood. The text of Miloš Velimirović is based on his memories of his stay in Podrimlje in the 1860s, when he studied at the Dečani monastery. It contains information on settlements, onomastics, ethnic distribution, churches, monasteries, and their remains, as well as the customs and lifestyle of the Podrimlje Serbs. Given that very few narrative sources have been preserved about the past of the Podrimlje Serbs before the last quarter of the 19th century, this source is a valuable testimony to local history, as well as the history of Old Serbia as a whole.
Summary/Abstract: The paper critically presents and analyses the Rules of the Serbian National Women’s Union, the first national organisation of women in the Kingdom of Serbia which put forward political requests for the achievement of private-legal, economic and political equality of women. The largest humanitarian and patriotic women’s associations in the country became part of the Union. Their activity implied the institutionalisation of female gender roles (care, motherhood) and the reproduction of social statuses of its members (most of them from the recently created citizen class). Although the Union was established upon the initiative of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance in 1906, its activities intensified only after the Austro Hungarian annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908, which marked the start of mass politisation of women in Serbia. Serious discussions about the objectives of the Union’s work began and the first Rules were drafted at the time. Their analysis has enabled an insight into the attitudes and convictions of the leading female representatives concerning the topical issues of the emancipation of women and feminism of the time. Intensive national work was defined as the first and foremost objective. Another objective was the membership in strong organisations of the international female movement (the International Council of Women, International Woman Suffrage Alliance). Although the Rules do not define as an objective the achievement of political rights for women (a supplement was made later), the Serbian National Women’s Union became a member of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance in 1909 at the congress of London, and the International Council of Women at the congress of this organisation in Stockholm in 1911.
Summary/Abstract: Although natural resources in a significant part of Serbia were favourable for the advancement of horse breeding, this practice was poorly developed. In addition to their other activities, peasants engaged in horse breeding with insufficient knowledge and capital. The areas known for good horses and their numbers were Podrinje, Podunavlje, Požarevac and Timok – Kolubara, Jasenica, Lepenica, and the environs of Zaječar. The Serbian horse breed was created by breeding domestic heads with Oriental breeds. It featured a beautiful and regular anatomy, great endurance and liveliness and the durability of features. Its downsides were the fact that it developed slowly and was not large enough. To develop domestic horse breeding, the Serbian Government established the State Stud Farm, with the task to produce a better breed of studs in order to improve the domestic horse breeds. The Stud Farm was established in Dobričevo near Ćuprija in 1852, wherefrom it was transferred to Ljubičevo near Požarevac in 1860. A special department was established in Dobričevo in 1875. Upon establishment, the Stud Farm was administered by the Ministry of Interior. In 1859, it came under the remit of the Ministry of Finance, and in 1872 of the Ministry of the Military. After the Stud Farm was established, the population was granted the right to use the Farm’s horses for breeding upon paying a fee. In the second half of the 19th century, the domestic horse breed improved significantly owing to stud stations. Breeding stallions were sent there each year from the State Stud Farm in Ljubičevo. Such stations existed in each district, and in 1887 there were 22 of them. Total 111 studs were allocated to them at the time. The State Stud Farm earned revenue from stud taxes, garden, food and crops, livestock and stock breeding, rent, bull taxes, breeding taxes and the workshop. These direct revenues moved between 31,000 and 45,000 dinars. Apart from them, the Stud Farm had indirect revenues from the produced food and fodder. Expenditure related to the maintenance of stallion stations, salaries for staff and attendants, procurement of animals and current maintenance. In 1886, total 7,412.65 dinars per month were allocated for staff salaries. This cost equalled 85,711.80 dinars annually. These funds were significant and as they were provided from the budget, the Ministry of National Economy believed it was necessary to rationalise the workforce and use machinery to a higher extent. This was particularly important after the war year of 1885. Responding to the Ministry’s requests, the administrator of the Stud Farm Kosta Petrović stated that savings had already been made and that their even more rigorous enforcement could bring into question the very objective of founding the Stud Farm. The document prepared for print on this occasion also contains a list of clerks and attendants at the Stud Farm, with the names and monthly amounts of salaries for 147 of them. Almost a half of employees (seizi, rabaji and wards) earned between 24 and 40 dinars per month.
Парохије и свештенство Горњокарловачке епархије 1772. године
Парохије и свештенство Горњокарловачке епархије 1772. године
Summary/Abstract: In 1773, Metropolitan Jovan Georgijević required from Bishop Josif Stojanović to make specification, that is the detailed description of the parishes and the clergy in the part of Episcopacy of Gornji Karlovac under his jurisdiction. At that time Habsburg authorities made and carried out a plan of the new organization of orthodox parishes in the Metropolis of Karlovci. According to the applied principle, one parish should cover at least 100 houses, and there should be only one priest. At the end of April in 1773, Bishop Josif Stojanovic finished the specification related to the territory of Banska krajina that is the Military border under the government of Croatian ban, and sent it to Metropolitan Jovan. Although it is dated in 1773, this document presents the situation as it was before the new parishes’ organization. This paper presents the document Descriptio Dioecesis Carlostadiensis, written by Bishop Josif, and compares the information about clergy and parishes, before and after the reduction made by the authorities. Although the number of parishes was increased by authorities from 39 to 50, the number of the priests was drastically reduced. Out of 107 priests in Banska krajina, noted by Bishop Josif Stojanovic in 1773, only 50 kept the service after 1775.
Парохије и свештенство Горњокарловачке епархије 1772. године
Парохије и свештенство Горњокарловачке епархије 1772. године
Summary/Abstract: In the early 70’s of the 18th century, Habsburg authorities started a process of size equilization of orthodox parishes in the Metropolis of Karlovci. According to the applied principle, one parish should cover at least 100 houses, and there should be only one priest. That process also happened in Episcopacy of Gornji Karlovac which included the territory of two military-districts (Karlstädter Generalat and Banalgrenze) and a few villages under civilian administration of Zagreb County. In 1772, Karlovac military-district command, made and carried out a plan of the new organization of orthodox parishes. After reviewing the plan, Metropolitan Jovan Georgijević required from Aleksije Gavrilović to make urgent specification, that is the detailed description of the parishes and the clergy in the part of Episcopacy of Gornji Karlovac under his administration. At the end of April in 1773, he finished the specification and sent it to Metropolitan Jovan. Aleksije Gavrilović administrated the part of Episcopacy which included, not only the territory of Karlovac military-district, but a few villages as well, from Count Dršsković’s estate and also a few villages from Banalgrenze. Although this document’s date is 29th April 1773, it presents the real situation as it was before the new parishes’ organization, before the autumn of 1772. This paper compares the information about clergy and parishes, before and after the reduction made by the authorities. It was possible to compare the data only for the territory of Karlovac military-district (the region of the regiments settled in Lika, Otok, Ogulin and Slunj) which could be found in both documents. Although the number of parishes was increased by authorities from 50 to 63, the number of the priests was drastically reduced. Out of 128 priests in Karlovac military-district, noted by Aleksije Gavrilovic, only 63 kept the service, and 65 of them were made redundant by the authorities.
