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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Статут Друштва Светог Саве из 1880. године
Статут Друштва Светог Саве из 1880. године
Summary/Abstract: Први српско-турски рат 1876. прекинуо је напоре Србије да оснивањем школа, слањем учитеља из Србије и школовањем учени- ка с простора Старе Србије и Македоније учврсти свој, а потисне бугарски утицај у пограничним областима Османског царства. Развој међународних односа, међународни положај Србије и слабо стање њених финансија после стицања независности налагали су опрену политику, која ће избећи сваку могућност подстицања заоштра- вања ситуације у европским провинцијама Царства. Међутим, грчко-турски и црногорско-турски сукоб око разграничења, који је обележио период 1878–1881. и који је почетком 1880. претио избијањем већег сукоба, а пре свега припреме у Кнежевини Бугарској и Источној Румелији за уједињење као непосредна последица таквог развоја ситуације на Истоку, приморали су српску владу у лето 1880. да обрати већу пажњу на питање српске пропаганде у Старој Србији и Македонији. Председник српске владе Јован Ристић обратио се с том намером људима који су били упућени у рад владе у Старој Србији и Македонији претходних година шефу пресбироа српске владе Матији Бану и професорима Велике школе Милошу С. Мило- јевићу и Панти Срећковићу. Поменута тројица предложила су оснивање тајног одбора који ће тај рад надзирати и он је крајем августа и образован. Осим њих, у одбор су ушли прота Јаков Павловић, начелник у Министарству просвете и црквених дела, као председник одбора и потпуковник Јован Драгашевић, професор Војне академије.
Студије о Душановом законику 2. Удвојени, раздељени и фрагментарни чланови Раковачког рукописа
Студије о Душановом законику 2. Удвојени, раздељени и фрагментарни чланови Раковачког рукописа
Summary/Abstract: The Rakovac Manuscript is, without a doubt, one of the most important among the manuscripts of Dušan’s Code because of various characteristics. This papers analyzes the following: duplicated articles, fragmentary articles, wrong order of the articles in one part of the Manuscript and table of contents of the Code. Some articles from the original text of the Code are duplicated in the final part of the Manuscript. Those are (according to the standard numeration) the articles 13, 24, 76, 81, 108 and 143. Duplication of the above-mentioned articles is worthy of our greater attention because they are neither neighbouring nor grouped, so the clerical error of the scribe is not a possibility. Closer examination of these duplicates can not only show how they transferred the text and how much they can contribute to the overall reconstruction of the Code, but can also be a means to gain further insight into the structure of the Manuscript. The comparison of the duplicated and basic articles reveals the differences in the text that can only be explained by the use of different sources. Through the duplicated articles, as in a palimpsest, an unknown manuscript of the Code emerges from below. In the first part of the Code, between the articles 59 and 108, wrong order of the articles is clearly visible. Also, there is a fair number of incompletely preserved and fragmentary articles whose parts had been excerpted and transferred among other articles, losing their meaning in the process. That is the reason why the Rakovac Manuscript has more obscure places than any other copy in the manuscript tradition of Dušan’s Code. Misarrangements in the text are the result of the wrong order of paper sheets in one of the manuscripts that preceded the Rakovac Manuscript. Therefore, gathering the scattered parts of the articles helps their reconstruction, which, in most cases, has been successfully done by the publishers. Also, the comparison of pieces and fragments can allow insight in the copying scriptoria – not just in the work of the last copyist, but also of some of his predecessors. An ideal reconstruction of the order of the articles (before the paper sheets were placed in a wrong order) is given in Appendix II. As can be seen from that review, the standard numeration is wrong when it comes to the level of paper sheets of the source, but within individual sheets the order largely corresponds to the standard numeration. It must be borne in mind that the copyist must have put the mixed sheets together according to his scarce understanding of the content of the Code. Occasionally, it can be noticed that he looked for the places where the ending of one sheet corresponds to the beginning of the other. On the other hand, his erroneous reconstruction had great consequences on the numeration of the articles, which reflects (but also codifies) the wrong order of sheets.
Сумарни попис насеља, имовине и становништва Пакрачког, Субоцког, Забрдског и Подборског војводства у Малој Влашкој из 1721. године
Сумарни попис насеља, имовине и становништва Пакрачког, Субоцког, Забрдског и Подборског војводства у Малој Влашкој из 1721. године
Summary/Abstract: Маla Vlaška was a term used to designate the Turkish krajina in the Western sources dating from the XVIth and the XVIIth centuries, laying in the Western Slavonija. This territory was consequently called since the Serbian population that inhabited the area and got settled there in the first decades of the Turkish rule, had privileges equal to those of the Vlah population – the Serbian people paid a moderate tax income per house and performed a guardian service on the border stretching towards the governing domain of Varaždin. After the Vienna War (1683-1699), at the time when Slavonija became an integral part of the Habsburg Monarchy, only the smaller part of Mala Vlaška got included into the Vojna krajina, while the remaining part of it got divided into several landed estates in 1702. The Palace Chamber of Vienna has either used these estates for its own purposes, or handed them over to the private estate owners. During the first decade of the Habsburg administration in the former Osmanic Slavonija, the inhabitants of Mala Vlaška performed military service. Therefore, the territorial division on duchies was preserved even after the year 1702, even though these duchies remained feudal estates in the posession of the Palace Chamber of Vienna. In this supplement the census of 1721 was published. This census included all the heads of households in these duchies, of their adult sons and brothers, of the widows in posession of land estates, of their sheep and goats as well as neat cattle, of the plowed fields, of the fields being mowed, of the vineyards and orchards (plum orchards), as well as mills. The details concerning inhabitance of this area can be established on the basis of the information contained in the census with certainty: according to our calculation, there were approximately 6 inhabitants per square kilometer. The insignificant number of inhabitants had, as a consequence, the insignificant quantity of the lands that was being used – the plowed fields were spread on the surface of 6.412,5 acres or 3687,8 hectares, оr only on the 3,20% of the total surface of the four duchies. The information on the fields being mowed, on vineyards and orchards have not been given in geometrical, but in economic measures, and their surface can thus be only approximately estimated. Generally, the fields being mowed occupied the surface of 967,29 hectares, vineyards that of 100 hectares and plum orchards (of 13.397 tree trunks) the surface of 13,39 hectares. If this estimation is proved to be correct, the farming land estates occupied the 4,14% of the entire surface of the duchies. The existence of similar circumstances in other parts of Slavonija and Srem led the central office in Vienna to take appropriate measures in order to improve the inhabitance trends and the maximum usage of soil, since state tax incomes depended upon these as well.
Сумарни пописи војних комунитета Панчево и Бела Црква за 1812. и 1813. годину
Сумарни пописи војних комунитета Панчево и Бела Црква за 1812. и 1813. годину
Summary/Abstract: Two census documents containing summary data for the former military communities Pančevo and Bela Crkva in the Banat region of the Military frontier are hold at the Austrian state archives in Vienna. Both documents contain data for the years 1812 and 1813, and thus a year to year comparison is possible. In the case of Pančevo, certain changes in population indicate a noteworthy immigration to the city occurred. Important information about demographic (population by status, religion etc.) and economic (number of livestock, land usage specifications, tax revenue etc.) structures are available for further scientific research.
Summary/Abstract: The paper examines the Tefter (Protocol) created during the visitations of the Srem Eparchy from November 1753 to April 1754. It contains data on income and expenditure of 103 parishes in 102 settlements. It shows customary income generated from believers’ donations (money placed on plates during liturgies and money donated during St Patron’s Day celebrations), money obtained from the sale of cattle or agricultural produce, or funds lent at interest. The recorded expenses testify rather to the economic power of parishes. Expectedly, parishes in towns had much greater financial resources than those in villages. The Tefter contains information on the attempts to decorate churches, build bell towers, cover temples with shingle. The epitropos had the say in the control of church finances. On his own, but more often with a priest, he would submit to the exarch the church bills and deliver the money which belonged to the metropolitan as the diocesan of the Archdiocese (Srem Eparchy).
Тестамент Марojа Буће
Тестамент Марojа Буће
Summary/Abstract: Породица Бућа је била најугледнија и најмоћнија властеоска породица у Котору у 14. веку. Буће су истовремено имале тесне породичне и пословне везе с најистакнутијим дубровачким властеоским породицама. Осим тога, неколико чланова породице Бућа го- динама је деловало у српским земљама. Њихово главно занимање била је трговина. Управо захваљујући трговини стекли су углед и богатство, што је некима од њих омогућило улазак у дипломатску службу српских и босанских владара. Све време су, као трговци и дипломате, успешно повезивали српске земље преко Дубровника и Котора са Медитераном.
Тестаменти и инвентари оставине земунских трговаца с почетка 19. века
Тестаменти и инвентари оставине земунских трговаца с почетка 19. века
Summary/Abstract: The Last will as a historical source was mainly used by the middle age and early modern period reasearchers, especially those dealing with economic and social histories. Altough the three Zemun merchants from the early 19th century, whose last wills are here published, were not the only merchants with interesting last testament contents. However, they were chosen because of their close business relations, and their political relations with the Serbian merchants who became leaders of the First Serbian Uprising. Teodor Marinović Vuk is remembered as one of the uprising enablers, and Dragutin Milutinović was, with Miloš Urošević and Dimitrije Marković-Ratković, one of the major uprising suppliers and also a man of considerable political influence in Serbia. Evidence is only scarce when it comes to Ignjat Jeftić and his connections with his business partners in the Pashaluk of Belgrade.
Три жалбе митрополита Павла Ненадовића из 1762. године
Три жалбе митрополита Павла Ненадовића из 1762. године
Summary/Abstract: Pavle Nenadović’s administration of the Metropolitanate of Karlovci (1749–1768) was marked by the struggle to preserve the Serbs’ privileges interpreted in a way that suited him and the Serbian Church. This interpretation often differed from the Court’s interpretation, especially in the centralising, reformatory period of Maria Theresa’s rule. In addition, there were many cases in which the privileges were infringed upon contrary to the Court’s attempts and Nenadović would report these to the authorities and collaborate with them on correcting these injustices. The political situation sometimes permitted meeting Nenadović’s expectations, while on other occasions the authorities took a significantly firmer stand, but this was not the solution they strived for. What they sought to achieve was rather the development of a permanent working system related to Serbian rights. It was for this reason that the Metropolitan was summoned to Vienna in 1762, where he stayed for a year. However, his three lawsuits, which he handed over to the ruler on his arrival, were perceived as insolent, as according to Maria Theresa, the letters accused her of infringing on the privileges, even though she was well known to be the main advocate of these rights. Nevertheless, this list of complaints on the part of the Metropolitan represents a list of realistic problems which burdened the relationship between him and his believers on the one side, and the Court on the other.
Три промеморије Ђорђа Стратимировића
Три промеморије Ђорђа Стратимировића
Summary/Abstract: Ђорђа Стратимировића (Нови Сад, 7. II 1822 – Беч, 15. XII 1908), аустријског генерала, председника Главног одбора народа српског, изабраног на Мајској скупштини у Сремским Карловцима 1848, војног заповедника Срба из Угарске у револуцији 1848. и као таквог једну од централних личности српског покрета, сигурно није потребно посебно представљати. Војну, политичку, дипломатску, јавну и публицистичку делатност, као и лично виђење сопствене улоге у бурним збивањима тог времена описао је Стратимировић у сећањима која је под насловом Успомене генерала Ђорђа Стратимировића приредио и објавио његов син Ђорђе.
