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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Summary/Abstract: The paper contains two lists of items and movable goods of Prince Miloš at his courts in Požarevac and Kragujevac. The first document titled “The Inventory of Items from the Princely Court in Požarevac” (Инвентаријум наодећи се при књажеском Двору у Пожаревцу ствари) (No 2412) was compiled on 7/19 June 1839, and the second document titled “List of Princely Items and Goods in Kragujevac” (Списак од накодећи се ствари и добара књажески у Крагујевцу) (No 2413) was compiled on 15/27 June and 21 June / 3 July 1839. As Prince Miloš abdicated and left Serbia on 15 June 1839, the Ministry of Interior ordered on 16 June 1839 that the Prince’s private goods in Požarevac and Kragujevac be recorded. The Ministry entrusted this task to Arsenije Andrejević, the then Prince’s adjutant, who was soon appointed the supervisor of Prince Miloš’s entire property in Serbia. The inventory of movable goods and items of Prince Miloš at Požarevac and Kragujevac courts of June 1839 significantly supplements the knowledge about the fittings of the courts, the distribution of court premises and other auxiliary buildings, the interior, Prince’s estate, nutrition, and indirectly about the habits of the Prince and courtiers, everyday life, and the intertwined folk and oriental heritage, including the increasingly present central European influence, as witnessed by the names of clothes, tools, weaponry and other items. Barns full of cereals, cellars with stocks of fat, vegetable oil, salt, beans (…), a significant number of domestic animals in the immediate vicinity of Kragujevac and Požarevac residences confirm the assessment about the patriarchal character of rule of Prince Miloš. Both manuscripts were written in the pre-Vuk alphabet on 37х23.5 cm sheets and have been transcribed in the contemporary alphabet.
Сведочење хајдука Ристе Илијића о побуни Срба у Нишком пашалуку 1841. године
Сведочење хајдука Ристе Илијића о побуни Срба у Нишком пашалуку 1841. године
Summary/Abstract: In the spring in 1841 broke out a major popular uprising in Niš– Leskovac area and in adjacent areas of present-day Bulgaria and southern Serbia. Despite the uprising broke out suddenly and vigorously, and included not only large territorial expanse, but numerous people, it was quickly and dramatically suppressed. The revolt of the Serbian people in Niš pashaluk was a major threat to the survival of Turkish rule in the Balkans. Therefore, the Turks quickly mobilized their forces and attacked Serbian rebels from several directions. The uprising of the Serbian people in Niš pashaluk left the political, economic and demographic consequences. The way in which it was suppressed attracted the attention of major European powers. Upon completion of the uprising in Niš in 1841, the European powers were seen that the Turkish Empire, as well as state and social organization represented a political and social anachronism, that historical development which no longer able to adapt to new times. Although uprising of Niš was very noticeable in that time, it was mentioned in Serbian historiography relatively weak. Particularly poorly handled figures who led the uprising companies and made a significant contribution to the liberation struggle of the Serbian people in these areas. This approach to the study of revolt of Niš led to the fact that the individual leaders of troops, like Rista Ilijić, were almost completely forgotten and marginalized.
Свештенство Шабачке епархије по попису из 1879. године
Свештенство Шабачке епархије по попису из 1879. године
Summary/Abstract: The Eparchy of Šabac has been one of the most important Church districts since the momentwhen Church organisation was first introduced in the Principality of Serbia outside the aegis of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Its bishops (episcops) played an important role in Church lifein the Principality of Serbia. The fact that Metropolitan Mihailo had been the Head of Šabac bishopsimmediately before he was elected is proof of this. The census of the clergy of the Eparchy of Šabac in 1879 is an important indicator as to the state Serbian Church had been in prior to gaining full independence in 1878. This census provides a detailed overview of the number of serving priests, of households and of people at the territory of the whole eparchy, and it is an important source of information for both Social history and Church history. Considering that the area covered in this census stretched from Šabac and Ljubovija, across Valjevo to Ub and the villages in the vicinity of Belgrade, the analysis of the census results provides us with figures which can be considered as a first-class source of information to be used when writing the history of the Eparchy of Šabac and the wider area of the territories in the northwest of the Principality of Serbia and afterwards, the Kingdom of Serbia.
Сећања Антонија Тодоровића на револуционарну акцију српског народа у Турској 1904-1912. године
Сећања Антонија Тодоровића на револуционарну акцију српског народа у Турској 1904-1912. године
Summary/Abstract: The manuscript called Revolutionary action of Serbian people in Turkey 1904-1912, written by Antonije Todorović is kept in the collection Varia in the Archive of Serbia. The text was written in blue ink, on 64 sheets in three notebooks, sizeA5, divided in 24 chapters. It seems that the manuscript is not finished since the last chapter was interrupted at the year 1909, and the handwriting was rambling on the last couple of pages. There are no data how it came to the preservation to the Archive of Serbia, or when it was made. The manuscript has no signature, but in further research we came across many documents written and signed by Antonije Todorović, so it is the positive fact that he wrote the text himself. The significance of this historical source lays in the fact that there are few memoirs left on the life of Serbian people under Ottoman rule at the beginning of XX century. Also since the author was Serbian teacher in Turkey, he was educated and well informed on everyday life of Serbs.Many historical sources from period 1904-1912 speak on Serbian Revolutionary Organization in the Ottoman empire, but mostly of the battles between military formations, Serbian chetniks, Bulgarian comitadji and Turkish asker. On the other hand, recollections ofAntonije Todorović reveal the events and people engaged in organization of Serbs in Turkey, not only military, as well as cultural, political, ecclessiastical and educational. It is also specific that Antonije Todorović`s quotations can often be verified and compared with the archive material of Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dating from that period. 305
Сећања бугарског добровољца Неша Брајкова на догађаје у Херцеговини из 1876.
Сећања бугарског добровољца Неша Брајкова на догађаје у Херцеговини из 1876.
Summary/Abstract: Volunteers from Slavonic regions placed under Turkish rule, as well as from other states, Russia and Habsburg Monarchy in the first place, took part in the Armies of the Principality of Serbia and the Principality of Montenegro during Serbian Uprising that occurred in the year of 1875 in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Surbo-Turkish war that lasted from 1876 to 1878. Among them, a significant number of Bulgarians was attested, especially in the Army of the Principality of Serbia. Nešo Brajkov, Bulgarian from Koprivištica, town where the big anti-Turkish uprising was organized on the 20th of April (the 1st of May) 1876, lived in Constantinople and after having crossed the Dardanelles with a group of his compatriots, he arrived to Montenegro and afterwards joined the rebels in Herzegovina. In June 1876, after Montenegro entered the war, Bulgarian volunteers took part in its Army. Brajkov left behind him an absorbing autobiographical manuscript on his journey throughout Herzegovina and Montenegro and sojourn in those regions, which has not been preserved in its entirety, but represents a precious document for the examination of the role volunteers from Bulgarian regions played in the Montenegrean Army, which was an almost neglected historiographical issue. In this work, the preserved fragment of the manuscript was presented in its entirety, in the original version, as well as in its Serbian translation.
Симо Соколов и српска емиграција у Бугарској 1883-1886. (документи)
Симо Соколов и српска емиграција у Бугарској 1883-1886. (документи)
Summary/Abstract: In 1867. the last Turkish military crews have finally left Serbian cities. After more than six decades marked with the struggle for national liberation, Serbia, although still „a vassal country„, in practice was expressing all forms of independence. The population of the Princedom of Serbia at that time was mostly Orthodox, Serbian, although ethnic and religious minorities have lived there as well including more than six thousand Muslims. The recognition of the existence of Muslim minority and the Islamic religion in Serbia is symbolically related to the reconstruction of Belgrade Bajrakli mosque in 1868. The paper presents a total of 13 documents relating to its reconstruction, including the decree of Prince Mihailo, dated 18/30 of May 1868 which puts Muslim community and its religious apparatus on the state’s budget.
Скопље од Кумановске битке до успостављања српске власти
Скопље од Кумановске битке до успостављања српске власти
Summary/Abstract: The diplomatic archive of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris contains numerous documents concerning the history of Serbia and the Balkan Peninsula. For the period of the Balkan Wars, a large part of the documents are stored in the fund Correspondance politique et commerciale, Nouvelle série 1896–1918, sub-fund Turquie. The fund consists of reports of French diplomatic representatives, notes of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ministry’s officials, various maps of the Balkan battlefields, plans for diplomatic actions, etc. Among them there is a two-week journal of the French vice-consul in Skopje, Pierre-Leon Carlier. After the interruption of the telegraphic and post traffic with Paris in early October 1912, Carlier decided to write a personal journal, describing with great accuracy the situation in Skopje at the beginning of the First Balkan War and all his impressions about the war. Consul kept his diary from 14 October until 1 November. After the establishment of the Serbian authority in Skopje, Carlier sent to the Ministry in Paris all his notes, which were received on 11 November. In this paper we decided to publish a part of Carlier’s notes: those regarding three crucial days (24–26 October 1912), from the defeat of the Ottoman’s army at Kumanovo until the establishment of the Serbian authority in Skopje and northern Macedonia.
Списак српских ђака на школовању у Француској у 1916. години
Списак српских ђака на школовању у Француској у 1916. години
Summary/Abstract: The journal «Velika Srbija» dedicated significant amount of its content to schooling of Serbian children and youth having escaped from their homeland in the autumn of 1915. Thus were the listings of Serbian pupils having continued their school education in France, starting from spring 1916, published in nine issues of this daily newspaper. Two hundred and thirty pupils from all the regions former Kingdom of Serbia consisted of were registered. The majority of them came from Belgrade and the towns situated in the area that got attached to Serbia after the Balkan Wars.
Србија у дубровачким тестаментима у XV веку (I)
Србија у дубровачким тестаментима у XV веку (I)
Summary/Abstract: Тестамент је писан 10. марта 1401. а регистрован 17. августа 1402. у Дубровнику. Томко је умро у Руднику између поменутих датума. У опоруци је побројао покретна и непокретна добра у Дубровнику (кућу, виноград, сребрнину, одећу) и Србији (сребро). Даље је навео трговачка друштва кроз која је вероватно трговао сребром. После Томкове смрти требало је да епитропи разделе његова добра рођацима и пријатељима. Томкови најближи рођаци живели су у Србији – брат Ђурађ, сестра Мара и син Богдар у Плани, а једна братаница у Пећи. Такође је завештао сребра српском патријарху и католичкој цркви Св. Марије у Руднику.
Српски народни женски савез и Међународна алијанса за право гласа жена.
Српски народни женски савез и Међународна алијанса за право гласа жена.
Summary/Abstract: The work represents a critical issue of parts of the reports about the participation of female representatives of the Serbian National Women’s Union at congresses of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance until the start of the First World War (London 1909, Stockholm 1911). The parts of the reports dedicated to Serbia indicate the manner in which Serbian women presented themselves within the international women’s movement, as well as the perception of the leadership of this feminist international organisation about Serbia and its movement for the emancipation of women. Participation within the international women’s movement differed from hitherto practice of presentation of Serbian women in the country and abroad. Women’s associations which constituted the Serbian National Women’s Union participated in international cultural events, world and Slavic exhibitions, where they presented themselves in the context of customary female gender roles (most often as keepers of needlework tradition). This representative plan was one of the most significant features of their peacetime public visibility on the eve of the First World War. However, congresses of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance faced Serbian female representatives with completely different challenges – public appearances in a foreign language, speeches and discussions about topics containing social criticism, including ambitions and expectations of the Alliance’s leadership that active struggle for the improvement of women’s position was led in each country. It is noticeable that at the beginning they tried to use the international scene as a national political platform, but were prevented. Their later appearances conformed to the objectives and interests of the movement.
Становници Шапца 1819. године
Становници Шапца 1819. године
Summary/Abstract: The article presents a list of inhabitants of the town of Šabac in 1819. It was created by local civil servants and consigned to Jevrem Obrenović, a head of the Šabac county. Like similar lists from the same period, it contains only the names of the tax payers. Along with the number of households in Šabac in 1819, the list provides information about social and professional structure of the town, as well as information about migration flows to the town.
Старосрпски натписи из Бијељине
Старосрпски натписи из Бијељине
Summary/Abstract: У петак 13. децембра 2002. године, првог дана рада на поновној изградњи Атик џамије у центру Бијељине, која је порушена 1993. године, радници су, вадећи старе темеље џамије ради постављања савременог бетонског темеља, наишли на средњовековне надгробне споменике с натписима. Музеј Семберије у Бијељини одмах је предузео заштитно археолошко ископавања, којим је руководио директор Музеја мр Мирко Бабић.
