Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Пасхалија из Требника рукописне збирке Пећке патријаршије (Пећ № 76) из XV века
Пасхалија из Требника рукописне збирке Пећке патријаршије (Пећ № 76) из XV века
Summary/Abstract: This paper is a critical edition of the paschal table from the trebnik (euchologion) belonging to the manuscript collection of the Patriarchate of Peć (Peć № 76, from the 15th century), for the period 1416/1417–1432/33. The main feature of this source is specific selection of the individual paschal elements and feasts. Segmentation of time of the first half of the year is represented by the dates of Christmas, Meatfare Day (Mesopust), Annunciation, Easter, St. George's Day, Sunday of All Saints or St. Peter's Meatfare Day and St. Peter's Day. The Feasts from the paschal table also represent the milestones of social time, whose intervals were calculated by counting weeks and days. The paschal table includes four leap years 1420, 1424, 1428 and 1432, and calculations are correct and in accordance with the corresponding paschal letter for each year. Certain discrepancies found two times in the text are to be understood as miswriting, because all the other paschal elements are presented correctly.
Песма против "шваба"
Песма против "шваба"
Summary/Abstract: Питање међусобног односа Срба с обе стране Саве и Дунава од великог је значаја за разумевање процеса националног развоја српског народа у целини. Проблем "шваба" или“њемачкара”, како су називани Срби из Монархије, представља један од битнијих чинилаца унутрашње нестабилности Кнежевине Србије, али је, упркос томе, домаћа историографија том питању, сразмерно значају који заслужује, посветила мало пажње.
Пет писама карловачког митрополита Вићентија Поповића из 1719. године
Пет писама карловачког митрополита Вићентија Поповића из 1719. године
Summary/Abstract: У Даљу се (26. октобра) 6. новембра 1718. године састао Народноцрквени сабор Карловачке митрополије, на ком је расправљано о последицама које је недавно завршени аустријско-турски рат имао на српско становништво у Хабзбуршкој монархији. Највећи број жалби изнетих на Сабору односио се на прекомерно повећане дажбине и радне обавезе, наметнут бесплатан подвоз и уконачавање војске, као и на злоупотребе које су чинили царски официри. По- сланици су одлучили да се све пристигле жалбе обједине у заједнич- ки саборски меморијал, који је преко царског комесара, заповедника Славоније, генерала Бекера, упућен цару Карлу VI. Сабор је молио цара да олакша српском становништву теготе, муке и терете.
Писма Милана Решетара Владимиру Ћоровићу (1919-1924)
Писма Милана Решетара Владимиру Ћоровићу (1919-1924)
Summary/Abstract: Here published sixteen letters that Milan Rešetar addressed to Vladimir Ćorović are dated fromJanuary 1919 to July 1924.All of themare written in black ink and in hardly legible handwriting. The content of letters mostly refers to events related to the creation of theKingdomof Serbs,Croats and Slovenes. Milan Rešetar and Vladimir Ćorović were prominent professors, one philologist other historian,whomet in 1904 at theDepartment for Slav philology, history and archaeology of Vienna University. In the period 1919-1924, Rešetar was teaching at the University of Zagreb and Ćorović gave up his political career and became a professor at Belgrade University.These letters represent valuable historical sources, that informon persons fromcultural, educational and social elite of newbornKingdom, and give data on the return of materials to theArchive of Dubrovnik.
Писма Тодора Стефановића Виловског са путовања у Далмацију и Црну Гору 1880. године
Писма Тодора Стефановића Виловског са путовања у Далмацију и Црну Гору 1880. године
Summary/Abstract: Todor Stefanovic Vilovski (1854–1921), a scholar of diverse interests, endowed with undoubted literary talent, is well-known in Serbian historiography, local literature, politics and journalism. Due to various close links with the socio-political elite in Serbia he was able to directly monitor and even participate in some contemporary events of import. As a favorite of King Milan Obrenović, Vilovski was long in his service and had constant and intense correspondence with him. The letters presented in this work were written in 1880 during Vilovski’s trip to Dalmatia and Montenegro on the mission of accompanying Colonel Djuro Horvatović on behalf of the Serbian ruler. In long and detailed reports from that trip to his parents, he described the landscapes through which he passed, towns and villages that he visited, and most importantly, informed them in detail about the figures from public, cultural and political life that he met and became familiar with. His descriptions are trustworthy, picturesque and impressive, while the analyses of different people and their characters are interesting, insightful and humorous, at times even ironic, but certainly compelling. They provide the reader with plenty of valuable information on these areas as well as the people he mentions.
Писма архимандрита Мојсија Путника из Арадске епархије 1754. године
Писма архимандрита Мојсија Путника из Арадске епархије 1754. године
Summary/Abstract: The Episcopate of Arad was one of the eparchies which were part of the Metropolitanate of Karlovci. Its population was ethnically varied and this setting was also heterogeneous when it comes to religion. This led to conflicts between Serbs and Romanians, who belonged to the Eastern Orthodox Church, on the one hand, and the Proselytic Catholic Church on the other hand. Since the Bishop from Veliki Varad and the Kaptol were the greatest feudal lords in the area, Orthodox population was on several occasions forcibly converted into Catholicism under their very powerful, predominantly financial influence. Bishops (Episcops) Isaija Antonović and Sinesije Živanović were particularly under threat and they made an effort to preserve their congregation at all costs. The situation was the gravest in the Halmadj area and in Veliki Varad. High-pressured by the Catholic Church and the Uniates, the Metropolitan of Sremski Karlovci Pavle Nenadović and Bishop Sinesije Živanović wrote a number of complaints to the Illyrian Court Deputation and to Maria Theresa. All this resulted in the appointment of a committee in 1754, which was to determine the exact numbers of Orthodox believers and of Catholic Proselytes and to finally resolve religious issues and impose order in the area. Head of the committee was agent at Erdelj Court Council, Martin Wanokel von Seeberg, as Imperial Commissioner. Metropolitan Nenadović appointed as his exarch and representative in the committee Archimandrite Mojsije Putnik, with Silvester Popović, hieromonk from Rakovac nominated as his assistant and interpreter for Romanian. Archimandrite Putnik informed the Metropolitan in his letters on how the investigation was being implemented. From these letters we can see that all the pressure seems to have been futile, as despite it, the population under the jurisdiction of the Arad bishop more often than not identified themselves as Orthodox, rather than Uniates.
Писма из Цариграда Михаило Г. Ристић - Светиславу Симићу (1894)
Писма из Цариграда Михаило Г. Ристић - Светиславу Симићу (1894)
Summary/Abstract: In January 1894, Mihailo G. Ristic was a secretary of Serbian Legation in Constantinople, while his friend Svetislav Simic was a secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires. Three letters from Ristic to Simic contain very interesting data on changes of the political situation in Serbia as well as in Serbian foreign affaires as a result of the return of ex– king Milan Obrenovic to country. Ristic expressed his views on political situation in Serbia and current events in Constantinople. He has also expressed his doubts about the new administration and preservation of Serbian achievements in Turkey. He has tried not to assess changes from the personal point of view, but according to the objectives of Serbian foreign policy, which was in jeopardy.
Писма карловачког митрополита Вићентија Поповића из Беча (1719-1720)
Писма карловачког митрополита Вићентија Поповића из Беча (1719-1720)
Summary/Abstract: In 1719 and 1720 Metropolitan of Karlovci Vićentije Popović had been in Vienna. His intention was to get the answer of the Emperor Karl VI on Serb complains referred to the abuse of Empire officials and officers during the tax collection. While staying in Vienna, Metropolitan Vićentije led correspondence with Archdeacon Vasilije Dimitrijević, who was in Karlovci at that time. Only 5 letters that Metropolitan sent to Archdeacon are preserved today, and they are kept in the Archive of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, in Belgrade. Letters of Metropolitan Vićentije Popović provide valuable information about the way that Habsburg authorities dealt with the Serb complains and petitions, about people that he met with, about problems of the inhabitants in Metropolis of Karlovci, and other.
Писма краљице Наталије коморнику Симоновићу из 1891. и 1892. године
Писма краљице Наталије коморнику Симоновићу из 1891. и 1892. године
Summary/Abstract: By the decision of the National Assembly in 1891, queen–Mother was forced by police to leave the Serbia and stay out of the Principality until 1894, when the prince Alexander, her son, come of age. The same thing applied for the former king,Milan Obrenovic. The difference was that his coming to Serbia was welcomed because he made special arrangement with the Nikola Pasic’s government and the regents. Colonel Alexander Simonovic was a trustee of queen Natalia. Being under a lot of pressure because of unfortunate events, she openly told him her thoughts. When she found her peace in the south of France, she was still interested in Serbian Affaires. The Queen Natalie‘s letter’s are very important sours for the understanding of her character, as well her planes which were directed by her status of a divorced woman. Those letter’s are also important for understanding the Serbian political and social milieu in the last decade of the 19th century and maybe explain the attitude of the Great Powers towards events in Serbia.
Писма митрополита Михаила грофици А. Д. Блудовој
Писма митрополита Михаила грофици А. Д. Блудовој
Summary/Abstract: After Prince Mihailo’s death, the underaged Prince Milan Obrenovic was brought to the Serbian throne, with the so called Second Regency (1868- 1872) ruling instead of him. In the initial years of the Regency’s rule, due to the lack of trust Petrograd felt about the regents, the Serbian-Russian relations were shaken. Although the Regency made recurrent efforts during 1868 and 1869 to improve the relations with Russia, some noteworthy results with that regard were achieved no earlier than in 1870. In autumn 1871, the juvenile prince paid a visit to the Russian Tsar in Livadia. From that visit on, the Serbian- Russian relations were normalized. Despite the reign being overtaken by Prince Milan in 1872, the Regency Regime in Serbia, embodied in the personalities of Milivoje Petrovic Blaznavac and Jovan Ristic, was preserved until 1874. The paper presents eight letters written by the Metropolitan Mihailo to the Russian countess Antonina Dmitrievna Bludova in the period 1871 to 1874. The documents testify to the fruits of Prince’s visit to Livadia, to the plans plotted in relation to Prince’s trip to Petrograd and his marriage to the Russian Princess, to the relations between the Metropolitan Mihailo and the Russian Consulate in Belgrade, but also to the schooling of Serbian girl-cadets in Russia and opening of Representation of Serbian Orthodox Church in Moscow. The attached letters constitute a contribution to the studies of political, culturaleducational and ecclesiastical liaisons between the Principality of Serbia and the Russian Empire in the period from 1871 to 1874.
Писмо Бартоломеја Зопија и Франческа Ардовинија браћи Кабужић у Пезару 26. јула 1426. године
Писмо Бартоломеја Зопија и Франческа Ардовинија браћи Кабужић у Пезару 26. јула 1426. године
Summary/Abstract: Дубровачки трговци браћа Кабужић (Никола и Лука) бавили су се посредничком трговином између Србије, Босне, Дубровника и италијанских градова. Из Србије и Босне извозили су првенствено племените метале, а затим восак. О томе свједоче многобројни драгоцјени подаци из њихових трговачких књига (1426 – 1433), иначе најстаријем сачуваном примјерку двојног књиговодства код Јужних Словена.
Писмо Видинске црквене општине српском митрополиту Михаилу (Јовановићу) из септембра 1872. године
Писмо Видинске црквене општине српском митрополиту Михаилу (Јовановићу) из септембра 1872. године
Summary/Abstract: The article points to the 1872 letter of the Vidin Church Municipality to the SerbMetropolitanMihailo (Jovanović) as a first-rate source for the study of church history in the Balkans, and especially history of Serb-Bulgarian church and educational relations. The letter is actually a petition to, with theMetropolitan's recommendation, enable a Bulgarian Vidin student to continue his education in Serbia, taking into account that he displayed great knowledge so far, but, as his family was financially ruined, was unable to continue his education. The text of the letter is preserved in the 1872 Copy Protocol of the Bulgarian Exarchy. The letter proves that, even after the creation of the Bulgarian Exarchy as an autonomous national Church, church and educational relations of the inhabitants of Northwestern Bulgaria with Serbia and the Serb Metropolitan, continued to be quite intensive. The article presents a critical edition of the letter, and it is also enclosed in its original form, in Bulgarian, as well as in the Serbian language translation. The introduction provides circumstances of the letter's origin, and the importance that the Principality of Serbia had for the education of Bulgarian at that time.
