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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Писмо деспота Ђурђа Вуковића угарском краљу Ладиславу V (Смедерево, 14. август 1445)
Писмо деспота Ђурђа Вуковића угарском краљу Ладиславу V (Смедерево, 14. август 1445)
Summary/Abstract: The paper represents the critical edition of a letter of Despot Đurađ Vuković (Branković) (ruled 1427–1456), which this Serbian ruler sent from Smederevo to Hungarian king Ladislas (László) V on August 14th, 1445. The despot repeated his previously stated devotion and loyalty to the young Hungarian ruler and asked the king to confirm his possessions in Hungary. The letter is preserved in the copy from 15th century and was not published before. The document is kept in the State Regional Archives (Státní Oblastní Archiv) in Třebon in the Czech Republic.
Писмо команданта Београда генерала грофа Одвијера Дворском ратном савету из 1719, поводом доласка турског гласника Мустафе аге
Писмо команданта Београда генерала грофа Одвијера Дворском ратном савету из 1719, поводом доласка турског гласника Мустафе аге
Summary/Abstract: The presented document is a transcript of a letter of general count O’Dwyer, commander of Belgrade 1718-1722 and commander of temporary administration in Serbia 1718-1720. This document gives valuable insight into rules and procedures of a commander of an important border fort, like Belgrade was at the time. It gives an account of the arrival of Ottoman messenger by the name Mustafa Aga, who carried important letters destined for Vienna. Mustafa Aga asked to be allowed to continue his journey, while demanding that the confidentiality of letters entrusted to him is preserved. General O’Dwyer couldn’t allow this to happen without permission from the Court War Council (Hofkriegsrat), so he asked for needed authorization. Besides the transcript of the letter itself, this paper presents several details from the life and career of general count O’Dwyer. The photocopy of the letter is included in the paper.
Писмо једног разочараног чиновника Јовану Ристићу
Писмо једног разочараног чиновника Јовану Ристићу
Summary/Abstract: Serious clashes between important social groups of one society, and changes in inner rings of power, often are first obvious signs of new order of values that would prevail in future. In Kingdom of Serbia this phenomena could be reached and better understood trough various and different symptoms in the last quarter of 19 Century. One of most common example was animosity and distrust that was raising high between officials of Serbian state police, and influential and politically connected Belgrade merchants, as typical representatives of new elite of financial magnates. Curiously enough, in direct confrontations between the “old elite” represented by state officials, and powerful Belgrade merchants, police authority was to become a victim of more sophisticated and potent plutocracy of Serbian capital. Those police officials who were unfortunate enough to act strictly by the letter of law, and tried to restrain financial and other misdeeds of economical elite, were usually treated as sacrificial goats. Being sent almost immediately to new positions in the provincial areas, far away from capital, they were deliberately degraded and publicly humiliated, to make an example for the other officials not to follow their steps. The document, published in this volume ofMiscellanea, is a private letter of one of the recently sanctioned police official, Jovan Militchevich, who wanted to clear his god name and to offer his side of a story to the most important political figure in Serbia, Jovan Ristich, in the year 1880. In the same time, the author is associating his personal misfortune with a wider picture of Serbian society, being sure that the rise of political power of wealthy will additionally weaken position of public officials as a group.
Повеља господина Ђурђа Бранковића којом потврђује слободе грађанима Дебрецина. Биа, 1429, 5. мај
Повеља господина Ђурђа Бранковића којом потврђује слободе грађанима Дебрецина. Биа, 1429, 5. мај
Summary/Abstract: This paper is a critical edition of the Charter of Gospodin (Lord) Đurađ Vuković Branković, by which he confirmed the privileges of the town of Debrecen, which had become his property after the death of his uncle, despote Stefan Lazarević, and formal confirmation of King Sigismund of Hungary. The document is significant because it is the first surviving Latin charter issued by the members of the Serbian ruling dynasty of Branković. Also, the intitulation of the issuer is relevant to the matter of the moment of Đurađ Branković’s acquisition of the title of despote. When it comes to its external features, the analyzed document is similar to the open letters. Yet again, its internal form contains all typical elements of a charter of privileges. It was probably written by a Hungarian scribe, or, at least, by a person who followed the pratice of the Hungarian chanceries. The representatives of the citizens of Debrecen, the mayor and a member of the town council, visited their lord and asked him to confirm their liberties. Their petition was granted in a place called Bia, near present-day Budapest, which was another possession of Serbian ruler in Hungary. As the issuer, Đurađ Branković calls himself Gospodin (Lord) and not the Despote, because it was not until the summer of the same year (1429) that he officialy gained that title from Byzantine emperor.
Помоћ белгијског Црвеног крста Краљевини Србији током Балканских ратова
Помоћ белгијског Црвеног крста Краљевини Србији током Балканских ратова
Summary/Abstract: During Balkan wars (1912-1913) International Committee of the Red Cross in Geneva and its various sections around the world, have gathered a variety of assistance for victims of the Balkan conflict. Collected aid was shared equally through the International Agency for Information in Belgrade, or through national section of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. In gathering support in favor of Serbian victims great contribution made by the Belgian Red Cross. In cooperation with the Belgian section of the Red Cross, the Honorary Consul of the Kingdom of Serbia in Antwerp Gustave Antoine was pointed out in collecting aid for Serbian victims. In this paper we prepared three reports Consul Antoine, which testify about assistance that consulate collected between October 1912 to August 1913, in cooperation with a section of the Red Cross in Antwerp. Prepared documents are part of the fund the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Legation in Paris), deposited in the Archives of Serbia.
Попис Банатске војне границе 1819. године
Попис Банатске војне границе 1819. године
Summary/Abstract: The Austrian state archives in Vienna, keep a huge number of historical sources concerning the territories of the former Military Frontier. One of it, The Census of the BanatMilitary frontier for the year 1819, provides important information about demographic and economic structures for the frontier as a whole and for minor administrative units as well. Summary data for the whole Banat frontier for the year 1818 are included too. According to available data, the entire Banat frontier had a population of 191.038 (consisting of 166.666 orthodox believers; 82.372 Slavs) in 1818. and 196.687 (172.159 orthodox believers; 85.069 Slavs) in 1819. The estimate number of orthodox Serbs can be determined with 77.000 in 1818 and 80.000 in 1819, which makes 40-41% of the total population. Data about specific land usage, number of livestock, artisans etc. can be used for further scientific research.
Попис Београдске митрополије из 1826.
Попис Београдске митрополије из 1826.
Summary/Abstract: The Census of the Mitropoly of Belgrade dating from 1826 is kept in the Archives of Serbia, in the holdings of the Princely office, in the KK ХХХV thematic unit, Church and Clergy, under number 503. This Census represents the first document of this kind to be of Serbian origin, effectuated under the order of Serbian national authorities that got gradually established in the peaceful times of the Serbian revolution, in the period between the Second Serbian Uprising and the creation of the Principality of Serbia. Due to this, the information in contains differ from the censuses carried out by the church itself. In the Census of 1826, the information on the numerical state of the towns and villages in the Mitropoly of Belgrade have been given, as well as of the Orthodox Christian households in them. By doing so, the Serbian authorities were able to obtain the detailed insight into the state of the ecclesiastical structure. Beside the fact that the Census of the Mitropoly of Belgrade dating from 1826 is important for the study of the ecclesiastical history, it is also significant for the study of demographic trends, since it points out to the huge increase in numerical state of inhabitants of the Mitropoly that occurred in just two decades.
Попис Потиске војне границе из 1748. године
Попис Потиске војне границе из 1748. године
Summary/Abstract: The 1748 census of the Potisje military district was until now unknown in the historiography. The original in the given document is in War Archive in Wien, in the Hoffkriegsrath fund. The census provides several categories by which the boardsmen were written down: were they in infantry or equestrial units, the name of the places, complete or incomplete weapon, names of the higher-ranking officers. The population in the military border was predominantly Serb, and the number of boardermen is more then 4000. This census is also very important, because after the dissolution of the Potisje military border, the vast majority of the soldiers emigrated to Russia.
Попис Тимочке епископије из 1836.
Попис Тимочке епископије из 1836.
Summary/Abstract: Following the expansion of the Principality of Serbia in 1833, there was a change in the Church structure, and almost half of the former Vidin Metropolitan was included in the autonomous Serbian Church. In 1834, that area was organized as the Timok Bishopric of the Serb Metropolitan, with the inclusion of smaller parts of the Belgrade Archdiocese and the Niš Metropolitan. The Church authorities found out about actual situation in the field through the 1836 Timok Bishopric Census, after the Universal Patriarchate recognized the new situation. The 1836 Census provides basic data about all priests and monks, parishes assigned to them, churches and monasteries where they serve, but also about bishops who ordained them as priests.The census was conducted by protopresvirates. By its content, the way and the time period it was conceived, it is a first rate source for the study of history, both of the autonomous Serb Metropolitan, and of the history of the Orthodox Church in the periphery of the Ottoman Empire in general. The entire Census is included here, with its text transcribed into the contemporary Serbian writing, but with preserving an authentic idiom in which it was conducted. The text has been critically edited, circumstances of the document's origin have been pointed out, places and individual persons identified, along with the basic paleographic and diplomatic description.
Попис зеамета и тимара области Брвеник из 1477. године
Попис зеамета и тимара области Брвеник из 1477. године
Summary/Abstract: In the first decades of the Ottoman rule the Brvenik vilayet was a part of the Skopje-Bosnian Frontier, one of the largest Ottoman military and administrative units on European side of the Empire at the time. Named upon the only fortified place, fortress Brvenik on the Ibar river, it encompassed right bank of the river, from Ušće in the north to Leposavić in the south, including considerable part of Kopaonik mountain; on the left bank it covered territory in between Brvenica and Studenica rivers. After the fall of Bosnia in 1463, the Skopje-Bosnian Frontier was disbanded and the region of Brvenik was attached to the Pasha sancak. The same region was incorporated into the newly established Prizren sancak, probably in 1481. During the reign of Sultan Selim I (1512-1520), as a result of his aggressive policy towards Hungary, some sancaks close to the border were reorganized. During the same period, the sancak of Zvornik that carried the greatest burden of fighting was enlarged by attaching the Brvenik region as additional district. The oldest Ottoman survey of the Brvenik vilayet, presented in our article, was compiled in 1477, at the latest. It presents a summary of demographic and fiscal data for 178 villages, five mezras, three monasteries and one church. According to this census on the territory of Brvenik, in 172 inhabited villages (six villages were registered as uninhabited) and on two mezras colonized by vlahs, little less than 4000 taxpayers had been living. Small-sized villages prevailed in this area: the most numerous (123 out of 178) were settlements with 10 to 20 and 20 to 40 taxpayers, respectively. Only in five villages more than 70 taxpayers had been living. The suburb of Brvenik fortress was the single market place in this area and was considered to be an administrative center of the whole region.
Попис муслиманског становништва исељеног из Ужица у Рогатици 1863. године
Попис муслиманског становништва исељеног из Ужица у Рогатици 1863. године
Summary/Abstract: Based on provisions of the Conference in Kanlica of 1862, the Muslim population of Užice and Soko that refused to subjugate to the Principality of Serbia had to move to the area under direct Ottoman rule. A large number of Muslims of Serbian origin from Užice moved to Bosnia, primarily to its eastern part and Sarajevo, including some places of Bosanska krajina. A group of them, who were doubtless the poorest, found themselves in 1863 in Rogatica (kadiluk Čelebi-pazar) and lived on state benefits. The census, carried out by Mehmed Selim, administrator of kadiluk Čelebi-pazar, recorded by person all resettled muhajirs and their physical appearance, including the amount of monetary aid for each of them. The entire census is presented in the paper, in Turkish and Serbian.
Попис нахије Косово из 1574. године
Попис нахије Косово из 1574. године
Summary/Abstract: This paper offers a critical edition (including text, translation and facsimile) of the census of the Kosovo nâhiyefrom 1574. After the Turkish conquest (c. 1522), this nâhiyewas originally part of the vilâyetof Croatia (Vilâyet-i Hırvat) in the Sanjak of Bosnia, but since the 1540s it belonged to the Sanjak of Klis. The census is an extract from the 1574 Extensive defter of the Sanjak of Klis, in which, for the first time since the fall of these areas under Ottoman rule, complete data on all settlements was accumulated. The edition also provides detailed information on historical and geographical background of the region, identification of toponyms, comparison with the data from other defters covering the same region, and additional notes where they were needed. Until the end of the 16th century, Kosovo was inhabited almost exclusively by people of vlach status, and population density was relatively good. Christian population was dominant in this nâhiye(circa 90%).
