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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


О убиству кнеза Михаила Обреновића
О убиству кнеза Михаила Обреновића
Summary/Abstract: During the time of his service in the Principality of Serbia, Charles Bétant, Prince Mihailo's secretary for the French language, was frequently in correspondence with his father, Élie-Ami Bétant, former Kapodistrian secretary and afterwards professor in Geneva, and informed him on a regular basis of the every significant event concerning Serbia, or having occurred there. Being an educated and intelligent person, an intuitive observer having demonstrated tendency towards detail, Bétant revealed numerous and absorbing descriptions of the episodes to which he witnessed, as well as the analyse of the characters he encountered. His letters are considered even more precious since, being a foreigner, he was able to perceive the events lucidly, although some unhidden sympathies towards the Prince Mihailo Obrenović are observable in his writings. Bétan was profoundly disturbed by Prince Mihailo’s homicide, which occurred on the 29th of May 1868. He started writing a series of letters to his father immediately after that episode. Those letters, abundant with many detailed descriptions of that immense tragedy, trace the events having taken place in the Principality of Serbia almost from hour to hour, and provide a very impressive picture of the condition in which the country, at the edge of chaos, found itself, as well as the description of the atmosphere and the prevalent mood of its population. His letters are authentic and acutely conjure up the situation on the internal, as well as the external political scene in Serbia, due to the fact that Bétant maintained excellent relations with the members of the Court and diplomatic circles.
О уређењу српских народних школа у Турској уочи Првог балканског рата
О уређењу српских народних школа у Турској уочи Првог балканског рата
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the Regulation of Serbian public school teachers in the Ottoman Empire as well as the Rule book on teacher representatives in Serbian public schools in the Ottoman Empire, which regulate their rights and obligations. We also give two letters written by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Milovan Dj. Milovanovic, Ph. D. to the Consul in Pristina Milan Rakic. From the first cover letter to the Regulation we see the reasons for its enactment, as well as the amount of attention the Serbian government dedicated to the education of the Serbian people under the Turks, and from the second letter we see the reasons for teacher’s discontent with the Regulation, as well as the Minister’s comments on their discontent.
О једном сукобу Срба и Турака у Београду августа 1834.
О једном сукобу Срба и Турака у Београду августа 1834.
Summary/Abstract: During the first ruling period of the Prince Milos from 1815 until 1839, a distinguished feature of Serbia and Belgrade was the diverse ethnic and religous population composition. A major part of population consisted of Serbs and Turks who had different social, economic and above all, political goals. Diplomatic efforts of the Prince Milos and weakening of the Ottoman central power led towards the bigger suppression of the Ottoman administration and the mass migration of the Muslim population from Serbia as well. Imperial decree from the year 1830 had resolved the issue of ceding of Belgrade town, provided that the Turks must move out and sell their property to Serbs. With the support of their government, they began to complicate the moving and even asked for their already sold property to be given back to them. Because of this, a curt Serbian – Turkish political dialog took place. It was decided by the additional Imperial decree from 1833 that Turks would remain in Belgrade town and in the suburb of Belgrade fortress. This kind of unexpected continuation of joint life with “an odious enemy” had to have as a consequence the additional tension of already bad relations between two ethnically, economically and culturally different people. Bigger or smaller mutual conflicts were occurring very often in Belgrade and in other parts of Serbia about which the Prince Milos had been informed in detail whether by the Serbian town administration or by the Turkish representatives. One event of that kind happened in August 1834 when the Serbian policeman wanted to collect taxes from the head of the guard’s horse keeper. A general conflict happened then during which five Serbs had been injured. Serbian and Turkish sides presented Prince Milos with different views of this conflict. In the work was described how this event was presented by the Serbian side that had indicated the violent behaviour of Turks, in two letters registered in the Protocol of the Court in Belgrade as well as the facsimile with transcripts and the translation of the letter of Belgrade vizier, Mehmed Vedzihi-pasha addressed to the Prince Milos in which he had expressed his dissatisfaction while accusing the Serbian side to be responsible for the conflict.
Summary/Abstract: The breeding of sheep and goats in the territory of today’s Serbia has a long tradition. Thanks to favourable geographical characteristics, this tradition was also preserved during the Middle Ages and the period of Ottoman rule. Since the Ottomans found highly developed sheep breeding in the territory oftoday’s Serbia, they immediately established an appropriate taxation system in order to collect revenues that were not negligible. Revenues from sheep and flock belonged basicaly to the State Treasury; however, it happened that the state transferred some of the revenues to certain people. In the territory of the kazâ of Mala Požega, 43 villages were breeding sheep and goats and the state collected a tax from them. The kazâ of Mala Požega included the largest part of today’s municipality of Lučani, and the following villages from today’s municipality of Ivanjica: Osonica, Lisa and Luke – the former Gornje and Donje Luke; from the municipality of Arilјe, the village of Cerova, and from today’s municipality of Požega, villages Gugalј and Tabanovići in the north and Lopaš, Pilatovići and Prilipac in the southeast of the municipality. From the spatial perspective, this is for the most part Gornje and Donje Dragačevo. The number of sheep and goats collected by taxation was 33,186 heads, which, given the territory of the kazâ, represents a significant number. The largest number of sm ll cattle was bred in the villages of Dubce and Lisa, where the tax amounted to 1,999 and 1,499 heads.
Обнова Београдске тврђаве 1565. године
Обнова Београдске тврђаве 1565. године
Summary/Abstract: The document refers to the financing of the Belgrade Fortress reconstruction in the year of 1565. Reconstruction was implemented due to heavy damage caused by gunpowder explosion in the Upper Town warehouse provoked by lightening. The works were financed by different incomes from the territory of the Belgrade nezareti, more precisely from Belgrade and Osijek ferry, rice fields of Niš, Kučajna mine and Karlovac imperial domains (haslar). The total amount was 290.000 akçes. The document preserved in the Prime Minister’s Archives in Istanbul, in the series Maliyeden Müdevver Defterleri (no. 2775/84), is the summarized copy of the imperial decree issued on 9 August 1565.
Обнова београдске Бајракли џамије 1868. године
Обнова београдске Бајракли џамије 1868. године
Summary/Abstract: In 1867. the last Turkish military crews have finally left Serbian cities. After more than six decades marked with the struggle for national liberation, Serbia, although still „a vassal country„, in practice was expressing all forms of independence. The population of the Princedom of Serbia at that time was mostly Orthodox, Serbian, although ethnic and religious minorities have lived there as well including more than six thousand Muslims. The recognition of the existence of Muslim minority and the Islamic religion in Serbia is symbolically related to the reconstruction of Belgrade Bajrakli mosque in 1868. The paper presents a total of 13 documents relating to its reconstruction, including the decree of Prince Mihailo, dated 18/30 of May 1868 which puts Muslim community and its religious apparatus on the state’s budget.
Обнова цркве у мачванској Црној Бари 1781. године
Обнова цркве у мачванској Црној Бари 1781. године
Summary/Abstract: The document that we present here is housed in The Ottoman Archives of the Prime Minister's Office in Istanbul (İstanbul, Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi, Gayri Müslimler Dinî ve Hayrî İşler Kalemi Belgeleri (A.DVN.KLS) dosya 1, vesika n. 37). That is the report of the kadi of Šabac relating to the restoration of the church in the Mačva village of Crna Bara compiled on 2 July 1781. It is diplomatically classified into the category of ilams (i‘lām) – court reports with the proposal to solve a problem, submitted by a kadi or his representative naib to higher authorities. The procedure of the permit issuance depended on the scope of the work. The permit for smaller repairs was usually issued by the vali – the highest state authority for a particular area. Upon the completion of works, a commission would go to the scene, draw up a report and submit it to the kadi. The kadi would forward it, along with his opinion, to the vali. The governor of a province would then issue the buyruldi confirming that the repair was in line with law and that no one had the right to make additional inspections. In the case of the restoration of the church in Crna Bara, members of the commission disagreed because the mubashir, appointed by the Belgrade vali, tried to extort a bribe. Namely, even before the commission prepared a joint report on repairs of the church in Crna Bara, the mubashir sent to the vali a separate opinion that the church was expanded compared to its previous state. As the Belgrade vizier then ordered that the inhabitants of Crna Bara and the surrounding villages be apprehended, it is clear that he sided with his mubashir. In this case, the kadi of Šabac had to address the central authorities as the danger loomed that people would leave their villages, fearing prison and other punishments. The church in Crna Bara is one of the oldest churches in Mačva. It existed in the 18th century, as attested by this Ottoman document as well. The Turks destroyed it at the time of the First Serbian Uprising on 4/16 May 1809. After the Second Serbian Uprising in 1815, instead of Crna Bara, a church was built in the neighbouring village of Glogovac, where the priests from Crna Bara served during the 19th century. The present-day church in Crna Bara is dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord and was officially consecrated in 1927.
Обрачуни ковнице златника у Кучајни из 1562/63. и 1570/71. године
Обрачуни ковнице златника у Кучајни из 1562/63. и 1570/71. године
Summary/Abstract: Two annual business reports of the Kučajna gold coins mint, presented in this work, provide valuable information on mint production, i.e. minted gold coins, money delivery, quantity of the used gold, but also on the workers’ salaries and state taxes. They contain data about renters, emîns and mint scribes too. The Kučajna mint was opened in 1553. at the same time as mine of Kučajna. More than half a century gold coins - sultaniyye and silver coins - akçe were minted there. Manufacturing process was separated, as well as the bookkeeping and lease of sultaniyye and akçe workshops. Accounts of the Kučajna gold coins mint were written in siyaqat writing by the employees of the Belgrad nezareti (Belgrade royal incomes supervisor office).
Оброк о трошку државе - болничка порција у Краљевини Србији крајем 19. века
Оброк о трошку државе - болничка порција у Краљевини Србији крајем 19. века
Summary/Abstract: Unfortunately, there are but fiew data concearning the work of the social institutions, such were hospitals, in the 19th century Serbia. From once huge records of Departmant of Sanitary, only a several hundred documents remained, many in fragments. Everything else was recycled in to a new paper in revolutionary years, after a Second World War. Nevertheless, those medical documents that survived enable us to understand how important materials were lost. One of those few was a special inquiry, made by the minister of police in year 1891, concearning a question of nourishment in state hospitals. Chiefs of the cllinics in county centers were ordered to inform minister in detail about two questions: what were the main dishes in plates of their patients and what measure of spices should be adequate to improve a flavor of a daily food ration. This order, however, wasn`t initiated as a result of humanitatian endeavor, but was prompted by another, more practical reason. Financial police noticed that hospitals are often spending some amount of money for spices, exceeding a limits of their yearly bugets. Under the pressure of financial authorities minister of police, in charge of this matters, insisted that hospitals must make a list of spices that they are using to prepare their patient`s food. Reports sent by the chiefs of several hospitals offer a special insight, enabling us to understand the techniques and methods, used to make a standard hospital meal ration in Serbian Kingdom. Beside the fact that there was not a trace of consistency in cooking hospital food, this document reveals meager, even chaotic conditions, in which main institutions of health and social care operated in the late 19th century Serbia.
Одбор за ширење пропаганде народности српске (1899. године)
Одбор за ширење пропаганде народности српске (1899. године)
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents six documents related to the establishment of the Committee for Spreading the Propaganda of the Serbian Nation: two letters of the Committee’s President, Hegumen German, to the Consul General of the Kingdom of Serbia in Skopje, Miloslav P. Kurtović; Kurtović’s letter to the administrator of the Bishopric of Skopje and the latter’s answer; the Rules of the Committee, as well as the oath of the President and members of the Committee. The Committee was established in 1899 at the monastery of St Archangels in Skopska Crna Gora. These documents reveal the reasons for the establishment of the Committee, its objectives, the names of members and the irresponsibilities, as well as opinions of Consul Kurtović and Archimandrite Firmilijan on the establishment of the Committee.
Окружница епископа Петронија Љубибратића из манастира Савина
Окружница епископа Петронија Љубибратића из манастира Савина
Summary/Abstract: The text clarifies doubts concerning the Circular (1701) written by Bishop Petronije Ljubibratić from the Savina Monastery. For more than a hundred years, confusion was caused with the published version of the document and the incorrectly stated signatory – Bishop Stefan Ljubibratić. During our research in the Savina Monastery, we determined that the published content of the document was correct, but that its signatory was undoubtedly Bishop Petronije, and not Stefan Ljubibratić. We had an additional confirmation in a rather well­ preserved seal on the document. It was possible to read most of the content and outline of the seal.
