Mešovita građa

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Историјски институт основан је 15. јула 1947. године са задатком да изучава економску, друштвену, политичку, и културну историју српског народа, као и његове везе са јужнословенским и осталим балканским народима, и да истовремено унапређује све гране историјске науке. За првог управника Института именован је др Виктор Новак, а за заменика управника др Георгије Острогорски. До 25. марта 1961. године Институт се налазио у саставу Српске академије наука и уметности када је одлуком Извршног већа НР Србије проглашен за самосталну научну установу. Решењем Републичке заједнице за научни рад Историјски институт је 28. септембра 1971. године стекао статус научног института.

Редакцијa Mешовитe грађe (miscellanea):

др Радомир J. Поповић (Одговорни уредник),
др Биљана Стојић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Михаил Белов (Институт међународних односа и светске историје Универзитета Н.И.Лобачевскиј, Нижниј Новгород)
др Дејан Булић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Гордана Гарић Петровић, (Историјски институт Београд)
др Милош Ивановић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Андреа Картени (Сапиенца Унивезитет, Рим)
др Урош Татић, (Историјски институт Београд)
проф. др Људмила Кузмичева (Историјски факултет Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва)
проф. др Gabriella Schubert (Институт за славистику Универзитета у Јени)
проф. д.и.н. Лилиана Симеонова (Балканолошки институт БАН)


Надгробни епитафи из манастира Грачаница код Ваљева
Надгробни епитафи из манастира Грачаница код Ваљева
Summary/Abstract: During the archaeological exploration of the monastery Gračanica near Valjevo, which took place in 2011, a graveyard site was documented northwards from the church, containing numerous tombstone evidence of burials during the 19th and 20th century. Based on tombstones bearing inscriptions from the 19th century, all of the tombstones from the same period can be precisely dated. Most of the tombstones were implanted into the ground accompanied by grave contructions or horizontal tombstones. One of the nine inscriptions is dedicated to Milosav Veselinović, whose surname has thus far mistakenly been cited as Tomić, was one of the two patrons of the reconstruction of the church in the early 19th century.
Неколико докумената о Руднику Брсково у 16. веку
Неколико докумената о Руднику Брсково у 16. веку
Summary/Abstract: Brskovo was one of the oldest and the biggest mines in the medieval Serbia. Many researchers assumed that it had ceased working several decades after falling under the Ottoman rule at the end of the 14th century. Three documents from the Maliyeden Müdevver series (MAD) preserved in Prime Minister’s Ottoman Archive in Istanbul, which are presented here, clearly show that mine had been operating significantly longer. The documents were issued between October 1564 and June 1566. The first of them refers to the Brskovo emin’s account register control. The second one presents the appointment of the knez in the villages belonging to the hâs of Brskovo’s mine. The third document is the imperial order about the engagement of sarrafs (moneychangers and creditors) in the mine of Brskovo.
Неколико докумената о учешћу Србије на изложби у Лондону 1907. године
Неколико докумената о учешћу Србије на изложби у Лондону 1907. године
Summary/Abstract: In the Archive of Serbia, in the Funds of the Ministry of People’s Economics—Economics Department, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — Embassy in London, there are important sources about Serbia’s participation in the Balkan Exhibition in London, in 1907. This was the biggest European and world economic event at the time, and the largest international exhibition where Serbia participated so far. The industry and agriculture products, as well as the achievements from culture, arts and sciences, were also exhibited by Bulgaria and Montenegro. There are four characteristic documents, which show how the Serbian economic delegation in London was created. This delegation contributed to a great extent to the successful Serbian participation n this international fair, pointing to the seriousness of the preparations of the Serb Committee for the Balkan Commission, but also to the State’s intention to stand behind domestic exhibitors, and help them in presenting their products and achievements at the London Exhibition. One of the documents contains rules and regulations for the exhibitors, as set out by the organizers, that all the participants had to observe.
Неколико прилога о пољопривреди Крајинског округа, значају виноградарства и утицају филоксере 1891/1892. године
Неколико прилога о пољопривреди Крајинског округа, значају виноградарства и утицају филоксере 1891/1892. године
Summary/Abstract: In the 19th century the Krajina District was known as a viticulture area of Serbia. Viticulture and wine production in general were at а low level since grape was neither carefully selected nor maintained, and wine was not produced in a modern manner customary for the 19th century. Serbian wines, including the ones from Krajina, were not exported to a greater extent until the 1880s, when grape phylloxera devastated vineyards in other European countries so they could no longer give a sufficient amount of wine. Subsequently, grape phylloxera was found in Serbian vineyards in 1882. When phylloxera appeared in Serbia, the Ministry of National Economy passed laws and regulations to prevent the spreading of phylloxera and to contribute to vineyard renewal. The opening of a vine nursery in 1886 and the Viticulture and Pomiculture School in 1891, both of them in Bukovo, was the most notable measure of vineyard restoration and labour development for the Krajina District. The first administrator of the Viticulture and Pomiculture School, Milovan Savić, exposed the poor state of Krajina’s agriculture and viticulture in his reports to the Ministry of National Economy. He urged the Ministry to invest more resources in order to improve viticulture in the Krajina District. Savić noted that the devastation of vineyards contributed to the impoverishment of the population and warned the Ministry that if nothing was done in regard to the improvement of viticulture, the whole district would depopulate. Savić’s reports are an important source for studying Serbian agriculture during the decade after the phylloxera epidemic, as well as general obstacles encountered during the restoration of the nation’s vineyard industry.
Нештампани спис Симе Милутиновића Сарајлије о Ђаковој буни
Нештампани спис Симе Милутиновића Сарајлије о Ђаковој буни
Summary/Abstract: Од најзначајнијих уставобранитељских првака Томе Вучића Перишића, Аврама Петронијевића и Илије Гарашанина први је био највећа сметња за придобијање српског јавног мњења за покрет после доласка на власт кнеза Александра Карађорђевића. Као идеолог уставобранитељског покрета Милутиновић је то уочио и преко више својих штампаних радова (прозних и песничких) покушао је да оправда Вучића и објасни његове поступке као нужне и потребне за Србију тога времена. Неколико занимљивих списа којима је то био циљ остали су у Милутиновићевој оставштини нештампани, а поред осталих и концепт одбране Томе Вучића Перишића под насловом Ђакова буна.
Нова сведочанства из живота митрополита Михаила
Нова сведочанства из живота митрополита Михаила
Summary/Abstract: After the Congress of Berlin, Serbia began to increasingly rely on the Austro-Hungarian Empire, at the same time distancing itself from Russia. The peak of Serbia’s foreign policy reorientation came in 1881, when the Secret Convention was signed and when Metropolitan Mihailo, a great Russophile and the supporter of good Serbian-Russian relations, was overthrown. The 1881–1889 period was very tumultuous in Serbian history and in the history of the Orthodox Church in the Principality/Kingdom of Serbia, as well as for Serbian-Russian relations. It ended with the abdication of King Milan and the formation of a regency, which ruled instead of Prince Aleksandar, who was still a minor. This work is a critical edition of twenty three documents, of various content, from six different archival institutions of Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The edited documents enable us to see how Russia looked upon the events in Serbia and upon resolving of the “church question”. They also testify to details from the life of Metropolitan Mihailo on the eve of and during his emigration. What is especially valuable are the secret reports from Belgrade of minister resident A. I. Persiyani, which clearly show the official Russia’s stand, as well as a letter of Metropolitan Mihailo to Russian Emperor Alexander III, in which he asked him for help during emigration. Along with the documents of official state institutions, the edited personal correspondence also sheds light on Metropolitan Mihailo’s activities during emigration and upon his return to Serbia (1881–1890).
Нови подаци о фрајкорском капетану Сави Демелићу
Нови подаци о фрајкорском капетану Сави Демелићу
Summary/Abstract: The issue of the distribution of the Turkish territories in Europe was opened by the 1774 Kučuk-Kajnardži peace, as well as all the weight of the problem that will become known as “The Eastern Question” in European historiography. The newly strengthened Russia wanted to play a great role in the final solution, as it had the Habsburg monarchy as her ally. Following the so-called “Greek Project” from1782, and the agreement between the Russian Empress Catherine the Great and the Austrian Emperor Joseph II, the war with Turkey became unavoidable. Russia entered it in 1787, and Austria in 1788, as the Russian ally. Many Serb volunteers took part in this war on the Austrian side, and they formed special units, called Freicorps. The Prince of Vršac, people’s captain Sava Demelić, took part in one of them (the Freicorps of theMajor Jovan Branovački), and he was noted for his accomplishments in Serbia and Vlaška.He received several awards for bravery,which is attested by several receipts issued by the Emperor’s Generals (Werthensleben, Papila). Documents about this, in historiography poorly known person, are in the Archive of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, in the Fund of the Illyrian Court Chancery, and one of the main documents is by Sava Demelić himself, describing his activities in these years, when he applied for the title of the Hungarian noble in 1791, is presented here, based on the German language original.
О боравку српске војске на Крфу 1916. године
О боравку српске војске на Крфу 1916. године
Summary/Abstract: In April 1916, Greek deputy Theodore Velianitis has published two newspaper articles in the magazine “ Athens” where he described the sojourn of Serbian army on the Greek island of Corfu during spring of the year 1916. Editorship of the Serbian magazine “Great Serbia”, which was published in Thessaloniki, took over and republished these two articles as a whole and made them available to Serbian readers. In the articles titled “Pictures from Corfu” and “Serbs in Corfu” two central themes can be distinguished: the Serbian army and its sojourn in Corfu in spring 1916 and the layout of the Greek island of Corfu under the pressure of an enormous number of Serbian soldiers. Tone of the Theodore Velianitis’ exposure reveals his admiration for the physical endurance of the Serbian army until their arrival in Corfu and their moral qualities they expressed during their sojourn on the island. He stated that the population of Corfu has tripled, after the arrival of more than 130,000 soldiers of the Serbian army. This has caused many problem in different areas, like housing and nourishment.By purchasing food, Serbian troops have exhausted all food reserves and have led local residents to the brink of starvation. On the other hand, this have led to the futher enrichment of enterprising part of the Greek population.Velianitis’ statements and description of these conditions are precious.
О датуму рођења кнеза Милоша
О датуму рођења кнеза Милоша
Summary/Abstract: Пре увођења матичних књига у Кнежевини Србији (1837) српски народ је своје појмове о датуму рођења везивао за циклусе годишњих верских празника, за ратове и изузетне природне појаве и катастрофе, помрачења Сунца и Месеца, поплаве, суше, епидемије и поморе у годинама неродице и глади. Датуми и године рођења највећег број устаника, чак и најзнаменитијих међу њима, велики су проблем за истраживаче, а често и неразрешива непознаница. Илустративан је пример вожда Карађорђа који је по проценама савременика, могао да буде рођен у распону од 1749. до 1770. године. У науци се устаљује уверење да је рођен 3/14. новембра 1762. године. 1 У случају кнеза Милоша Обреновића, временски распон претпостављених година рођења је знатно краћи, али се датум кнежевог рође- ња различито израчунавао, што се пренело и у родослов Обреновића.
О лажним династијама и витешким редовима - неколико писама Игора Лауница Николи Радојчићу
О лажним династијама и витешким редовима - неколико писама Игора Лауница Николи Радојчићу
Summary/Abstract: Letters and postcards Nikola Radojčić received from Igor Launic in the period from 26th of March 1939 to the 12th April 1940 were published in this work. Igor Launic claimed to be descendant of the Comnenian and Paleolog dynasties and Magnus Magister of the equestrian order Ordo Imperialis Constantinianus Militaris Sancti Georgii. Those letters represent an interesting source for the study of the pretensions of the presumed Paleolog dynasty descendants who claimed to be Grand masters of the invented Constantine's order of Saint George. Igor Launic addressed himself to Nikola Radojčić on the issue of his conflict with Nikola Kapone from Naples who claimed to be heir of the Paleolog and Nemanjić dynasties, as well as Grand master of Constantine's order and of the order of Saint Stefan that existed in Serbia. Nikola Radojčić mentioned the Kapone family and its members' invented claim to represent descendants of the Nemanjić dynasty in his scientific work. Due to this, Igor Launic addressed himself to him wishing to defeat his opponent by means of Radojčić' scientific authority.
О предаји градова Србији из британских архива
О предаји градова Србији из британских архива
Summary/Abstract: Један од кључних циљева спољне политике кнеза Михаила био је ослобађање градова од Турака. Да би га остварио, кнез Михаило је морао да разреши поједине проблеме на унутрашњем плану. Морао је пре свега да укине Устав из 1838. године, пошто је по њему Порта имала права да спречи постојање народне војске у Србији, а настојао је и да дипломатском акцијом примора Порту да уклони своје трупе из утврђених градова у Србији, као и да склопи што ви- ше савеза са суседним балканским хришћанским државама. После бомбардовања Београда 1862. године кнез Михаило је употребио сву своју вештину да уклони турску војску из утврђених градова.
